A compose library to easily make beautiful bottom navigation with a lot of customization options.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.ZahraFatehi1378:CurvedBottomNavigation:-SNAPSHOT'
Place the CurvedBottomNavigation in Scaffold bottomBar. You can control curve of background and set tow type of items : LinearItemand CircularItem Here is simple example, how to set color, set duration of animations , ... as shown below: frist you need make a list of items . items can be CircularItem or LinearItem .
val items = listOf(
icon = ImageVector.vectorResource(id = R.drawable.ic_profile),
text = "profile",
val items = listOf(
icon = ImageVector.vectorResource(id = R.drawable.ic_profile_line),
selectedIcon = ImageVector.vectorResource(id = R.drawable.ic_profile),
text = "profile",
then add CurvedBottomNavigation
bottomBar = {
items = items,
defaultItemIndex = 1,
color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
height = 100.dp,
hills = 2,
verticalControl = -30f,
topPadding = 10.dp
) { index ->
navController.navigate(routes[index]) {
launchSingleTop = true
) {
BottomNavGraph(navHostController = navController)
CurvedBottomNavigation :
attr | Description |
color | sets backGround color of CurvedBottomNavigation |
hills | sets number of hills |
height | sets height of CurvedBottomNavigation background |
topPadding | sets top padding |
verticalControl | controls curve (positive for convex and negative for concave) |
space | sets the space between the text and icon |
onItemClick | sets listener of whole bottom navigation |
Item :
attr | Description |
iconColor | sets icon color |
selectedIconColor | sets selected item color and if it is not initialized it takes iconColor |
icon | icon will be displayed when item is not selected |
selectedIcon | selectedIcon will be displayed when item is selected and if it is not initialized it displays icon instead |
onItemSelected | sets listener for current item |
iconSize | sets size of icon |
animDurationMillis | sets duration for displaying animation |
radius | sets radius of circular animation |
textColor | sets color of text |
textStyle | sets text style |
textFontWeight | sets text font weight |
textFontStyle | sets text font style |
textFontFamily | textFontFamily |
if you set CircularItem:
attr | Description |
circlesColor | sets circles color |
circlesMaxRadius | sets max circle radius |
circlesNumber | sets number of circles |
if you set LinearItem:
attr | Description |
circularAnimColor | sets the color of circular line for animation |
stroke | sets the stroke of circular line |