v0.4 (2018-28-12)
- Improved overall UI of the demo.
- There is no side configuration panel now. We can open a configuration modal by clicking anywhere on the grid.
- All the configurations (Grid settings, JSON Editor, Source code) have been accommodated in one modal only.
- User interface for the Grid settings has been improved.
- Added a help section in the modal where we can see all the warnings and some important web links.
- UI is now driven through URL parameters, so you can easily share your configuration.
- Enabled use of images instead of text in the configuration.
- Used wicked-elements library to make our code more modular.
- Improved community checklist.
- Fixed: Let explicitly position items in rows or columns we don't define in the grid.
- Moved warnings inside configuration modal.
- Various minor fixes and enhancements.
v0.2 (2018-26-07)
- Alerts to show warnings/errors while configuring grid rows/cols.
- A brand new UI based Grid Builder. Now anyone without prior JSON knowledge can too build a grid.
- A feature that allows to configure an individual grid cell by just clicking over it.
- CONTRIBUTING guide for those whose would like contribute to this project.
- Fixed a bug in functionality that allows setting Grid and Cell level align/justify properties.
- Fixed: Saving a config with invalid JSON shouldn't reset it to default.
- Fixed: Classes for grid alignment are missing in the resulting code.
- Various minor fixes.
v0.1 (2018-16-07)
- First Release.
- Powergrid is an easy to use yet a powerful tool that helps you to readily build cross-browser CSS Grid system.
- This CHANGELOG file.
- Configuration Panel (powered by SlideReveal).
- Feature to display and edit JSON Configuration (powered by JSONEditor).
- Feature to fetch/sync Configuration via address URL.
- Feature to display/copy resultant HTML and CSS (powered by Highlight.js).
- Setup for CI.
- Support for Node usage of Powergrid functions.
- README containing basic information regarding Powergrid.