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75 Mandelbrot Variants Conversion Table

ZERICO2005 edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 1 revision

The Quadratic fractal ID's are NOT related to the fractals shown in 75 Mandelbrot Variants

You can use this conversion table to determine their Quadratic formula ID.
For example, the Quadratic ID for fractal 74, or the "Tornado" fractal is 180.

Quadratic ID Number | Number in Video | Name

Standard Fractals:
	000 |  1. | Mandelbrot Set
	100 |  2. | Burning Ship	
	128 |  3. | Celtic	
	228 |  4. | Buffalo	
	004 |  5. | Tricorn/Mandelbar
	032 |  6. | Burning Ship Mandelbar
	132 |  7. | Celtic Mandelbar
	160 |  8. | Buffalo Mandelbar
	036 |  9. | Perpendicular Mandelbrot
	064 | 10. | Perpendicular Burning Ship
	164 | 11. | Perpendicular Celtic
	196 | 12. | Perpendicular Buffalo
Asymmetric Fractals Part-1:
	080 | 13. | Airship
	027 | 14. | Tail
	030 | 15. | Quill
	016 | 16. | Shark Fin
	020 | 17. | Power Drill
	111 | 18. | Big and Little
	125 | 19. | Halo
	050 | 20. | Genie Lamp
	072 | 21. | Hook
	246 | 22. | Cow
	154 | 23. | Sideways Ship
	108 | 24. | Inner Snake
	126 | 25. | Outer Snake
	206 | 26. | Sock Puppet
	252 | 27. | Speedy Buffalo
	242 | 28. | Smooth Buffalo
	198 | 29. | Aerodynamic
	238 | 30. | Pointed Buffalo
	236 | 31. | Smart Buffalo
Symmetrical Fractals:
	015 | 32. | Mallet
	011 | 33. | Alien
	088 | 34. | Chainsaw
	044 | 35. | Inner Double Snake
	060 | 36. | Outer Double Snake
	008 | 37. | Bat Wing
	040 | 38. | Heart
	056 | 39. | Rotated Heart
	172 | 40. | Crown
	010 | 41. | Boomerang
	043 | 42. | Cupids Arrow
	092 | 43. | Ellipsoid Parallelogram
	089 | 44. | Bone
	138 | 45. | Pointed Celtic
	063 | 46. | Washing Machine
	142 | 47. | Anchor
	038 | 48. | Terminator
	140 | 49. | Double Sector
	091 | 50. | Super
	136 | 51. | Wide Celtic
	170 | 52. | Spade
	174 | 53. | Umbrella
	168 | 54. | Temple
	057 | 55. | Sleeping Snake
	047 | 56. | Wide Alien
Asymmetric Fractals Part-2:
	116 | 57. | Titanic
	230 | 58. | Mountain
	146 | 59. | Backwards Ship
	248 | 60. | Spaceship
	118 | 61. | Fake Ship
	082 | 62. | Ray Gun
	075 | 63. | Claw
	190 | 64. | Fish
	178 | 65. | Bike Helmet
	214 | 66. | Boat Motor
	148 | 67. | Nail Gun
	186 | 68. | Speed Boat
	156 | 69. | Blow Dryer
	200 | 70. | Left Rectangle
	218 | 71. | Right Rectangle
	222 | 72. | Alligator
	212 | 73. | Crocodile
	180 | 74. | Tornado
	052 | 75. | Pitcher

Geometric Shapes:
	130 | 76. | Rhombus
	134 | 77. | Teardrop
	162 | 78. | Pointed Teardrop