This program deploys a Flask website on a Waitress WSGI server on the internet where it can be accessed by any user. A user can then interact with the website with the following features:
- Able to search for any available movie on the 2Embed database
- Able search for any available TV show
- Able to then watch their movie
- Able to watch any available episode from any season on their TV show
The following are steps to deploy this program on your own.
- Have a Repl account prepared at
- Click this link to go to the Repl home page
- Click "Fork" to be able to own your own version of this program
- Click "Run" at the top of the screen when in the editor to run the program
- Allow for the IDE to load all packages
- Under the tools section, go to Webview
- Click the "{...}" at the top of the Webview
- Click the dev link
- Repeat from step 4 each time you want to use
- Switch from "main" branch to "no-waitress" branch
- Click the green button "Code"
- Download Zip
- Find file in File Explorer and "Extract All"
- Open your preferred IDE and open a new Python 3 project
- Under File open the extracted zip code and run
- Click the localhost link that appears in the console
- Flask
- Waitress
- Datetime
- OS
- Requests