BOMP is an association test for case-control study using NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) data. It is a hybrid likelihood ratio test comprising two tests:
(1) a burden test (modeled by bionomial likelihood) which can incorporate variant allele frequency and functional prediction, and
(2) a mutation position test (modeled by multinomial likelihood) which can effectively capture the signal when disease-causing mutations are clustered in certian regions in a gene.
Chen YC, Carter H, Parla J, Kramer M, Goes FS, Pirooznia M, et al. A hybrid likelihood model for sequence-based disease association studies. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(1):e1003224.
JAVA virtual machine 1.6 or above is required.
Put bomp.release.jar and files in example/ in the same directory.
Run BOMP using the following command:
java -Xmx4000M -jar bomp.release.jar -p example.phenotype -v example.var -g example.geno -u example.gene --permutation 1000 --geneSet gene.set
The result will be saved in bomp.out.
Running BOMP without any parameters will list all parameters that can be tuned for BOMP:
java -Xmx4000M -jar bomp.release.jar
Note that the current parameter setting is designed for missense mutations in protein sequences. The algorithm can be applied on DNA sequences of course but the parameters (such as window size) might need to be changed to get better result. For example, the window size of 8 may be too small for DNA sequences.
The defualt number of permutations is 10,000 (which gives the smallest p-value of 1/10001). However, if the test is applied for the whole exome (~20,000 genes), more permutation may be needed to achieve exome-wide significance. For example, 1,000,000 (which gives the smallest p-value of 1/1000001). You can change the number of permutation by --permutation.
Example: please see example/example.phenotype
sample_id,case-control_status (1 for case, 0 for control)
sample id needs to be unique.
Example: please see eample/example.var
variant_id,gene_name,gene_name (designed for other use in the future),position,bioinformatic_score
variant id needs to be unique for each variant. note that column 2 and 3 are the name of the gene where the variant is. the position is for mutation position statistic. since we currently focused on missense mutations, positions are amino acid positions in proteins. A bioinformatics score bewteen 0 (neutral) and 1 (deleterious) indicates its deleteriousness.
Example: example/example.geno
var1_for_sample1,var2_for_sample1, ... ,varN_for_sample1
var1_for_sample2,var2_for_sample2, ... ,varN_for_sample2
var1_for_sampleM,var2_for_sampleM, ... ,varN_for_sampleM
Rows represent samples. Columns represent variants. Genotypes are 0 (homozygous ref), 1 (heterozygous), and 2 (homozygous alt). The order of samples needs to be consistent with the order in phenotype file (i.e. k-th row corresponds to the genotypes of the k-th sample in the phenotype file). The order of variants needs to be consistent with the order in variant definition file (i.e. the genotypes in the k-th column corresponds to the variant in the k-th row in the variant definition file).
Example: example/example.gene
Make sure that the gene length needs to be greater than the position of any variant occurred in that gene.
Example: example/gene.set
gene_set_name \t description \t gene_name [\t gene name]
The format follows the text format used in MSigDB (