What's Changed
- fix(blueprint): upgrade helm-addons and eks-addons version by @Young-ook in #305
- feat(blueprint): install keda (kubernetes event-driven autoscaling) by @Young-ook in #308
- feat(pod-id): pod-identity association module by @Young-ook in #311
- docs(blueprint): fix the requirements instruction by @Young-ook in #312
- docs(blueprint): add url to blog about eks-cluster-access-management-control by @Young-ook in #313
- chore(git): ignore caches from helm chart dependency by @Young-ook in #314
- fix(eks-addons): correct eks-addons output name by @Young-ook in #315
- docs(blueprint): blog about istio on eks by @Young-ook in #317
- feat(blueprint): utility scripts for halyard config and port-forwarding by @Young-ook in #316
- docs(data-ai): blog about how to deploy kafka on eks by @Young-ook in #318
- docs(data-ai): correction of the workspace path by @Young-ook in #322
- fix(blueprint): toggle switch for nats deployment by @Young-ook in #319
- feat(data-ai): script for cloning kubeflow-aws-manifests by @Young-ook in #323
- docs(blueprint): grouping additional resources by @Young-ook in #326
- feat(data-ai): feature toggles for airflow on/off by @Young-ook in #324
- fix(blueprint): fixed misconfig for halyard script by @Young-ook in #328
- feat(data-ai): csi-mnt-s3 eks-addon installation by @Young-ook in #327
- fix(blueprint): cluster-autoscaler image repo change by @Young-ook in #329
- fix(irsa): operator change for fail safe cli by @Young-ook in #330
- fix(blueprint): removal of the deprecated podsecuritypolicy from spinnaker helm by @Young-ook in #331
- docs(data-ai): data science handbook by @Young-ook in #333
- feat(eks): shell script to establish an interactive shell connection by @Young-ook in #334
- feat(blueprint): spinnaker halyard helm chart by @Young-ook in #332
- fix(blueprint): spinnaker helm rbac template name change by @Young-ook in #335
Full Changelog: 2.0.11...2.0.12