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Releases: YottaDB/YDB

YottaDB r1.20

29 Mar 23:28
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YottaDB r1.20

Release Note Revision History

Revision Date Summary
1.00 March 29, 2018 r1.20 Initial Release

Contact Information


40 Lloyd Avenue, Suite 104
Malvern, PA 19355, USA
+1 (610) 644-1898



Contact your YottaDB support channel.


For free (to you) support from members of communities who run widely available applications on YottaDB, please use an application-specific list where appropriate.



YottaDB r1.20 is the most significant release to date from the YottaDB team. With the ability to call the data management engine directly from C, and eliminating the need for any application code to be written in M (by separating the M language from the database without compromising either in any way), YottaDB r1.20 represents a historic milestone for the YottaDB/GT.M code base.

YottaDB r1.20 is built on (and except where explicitly noted, upward compatible with) both YottaDB r1.10 and GT.M V6.3-003A. Highlights of enhancements and fixes made by the YottaDB team include:

Highlights from the upstream V6.3-003A code base, thanks to the GT.M team include:

As is the case in every release, YottaDB r1.20 brings other enhancements, e.g., callin when an application is already inside a transaction processing fence, and sending syslog messages to stderr when there is no syslog, as well as fixes to issues as detailed below.

As always, there as other enhancements and fixes, as noted below. See our Get Started page to use YottaDB.


A platform is a combination of a CPU architecture and an operating system. A platform is Supported, Supportable, or Unsupported. Supported means that we have the platform in our development environment and test each release on that platform. Supportable means that although we do not necessarily have such a platform in our environment, we have no reason to believe that the software will not run on it. All others are Unsupported.

CPU Architecture Supported OS Version(s) Notes
64-bit x86 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Note that there are separate binary distributions for Ubuntu and Red Hat, owing to differences in library versions of those distributions.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B; BeagleBone Black Wireless Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1; Stretch IoT (non GUI) While YottaDB r1.20 is Supportable on other ARMv7-A CPUs, owing to variations in the implementations of ARM microarchitectures, we recommend that you ensure the software runs correctly before committing to any specific hardware other than those Supported. Please contact if you want a specific combination of OS and CPU microarchitecture to be Supported.
Raspberry Pi Zero Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 While YottaDB r1.20 is Supportable on other ARMv6 CPUs, owing to variations in the implementations of ARM microarchitectures, we recommend that you ensure the software runs correctly before committing to any specific hardware other than those Supported. Please contact if you want a specific combination of OS and CPU microarchitecture to be Supported.

Recent releases of major GNU/Linux distributions with contemporary kernels, glibc and ncurses are Supportable. Running on Arch Linux requires the ncurses5-compat-libs package to be installed.

Getting Started

See our Get Started page to use YottaDB.

We strongly recommend that you install YottaDB r1.20 in a newly created directory, different from those of YottaDB r1.10 and any GT.M versions you may have installed on the system.

Removing an Installed YottaDB Release

Assuming $ydb_dist points to the directory where YottaDB is installed:

  • Cleanly shut down all application processes using that release.
  • Execute mupip rundown && mupip rundown -relinkctl
  • Ensure that there are nogtcm* or gtmsecshr processes active.
  • Use sudo lsof | grep $ydb_dist to ensure there are no open files.
  • Delete the directory with sudo rm -rf $ydb_dist

Upgrading to YottaDB r1.20

As YottaDB r1.20 is upward compatible from both YottaDB r1.10 and GT.M V6.3-003/-003A, the minimal upgrade steps are:

  • Install YottaDB r1.20.
  • Recompile any object code, and recreate shared libraries where appropriate.
  • If you are using encryption, compile and install the reference implementation plugin or your customized plugin.
  • Cleanly shut down the application and ensure that the database files are shut down using mupip rundown from the prior release.
  • Switch journal files with the new YottaDB release.
  • Start using the new YottaDB release.

To upgrade from older GT.M releases, first upgrade to GT.M V6.0-000 or later and follow the steps above, or contact your YottaDB support channel for assistance and guidance.

A more sophisticated upgrade technique is:

  • Install YottaDB r1.20.
  • Create a new replicated instance of your application (on the same system or a different system).
  • Assuming the existing instance is A, and the new instance is B, start replicating from A to B.
  • Once B catches up, switchover so that B is in a primary role replicating to A.
  • Once you are satisfied with B, remove (or upgrade) A.

Change History


ID Category Summary
(#23) Admin Change references to GT.M into references to YottaDB - shared libraries
(#33) Other Reduce footprint of engine
(#59) Data Directly access YottaDB data from C
(#77) Other Fix reporting glitch in Indirection cache hit ratio when cache hits are greater than 43 million
(#80) Data Improve performance of large local arrays
(#83) Language Recall history for READ command to match direct mode
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YottaDB r1.10

27 Oct 14:37
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YottaDB r1.10

Release Note Revision History

Revision Date Summary
1.05 October 27, 2017 Updated tarballs with new and configure scripts (address additional fallout because the installation automation could not be fully tested in advance), update sha256sums
1.04 October 26, 2017 Add example of installation with UTF-8 support
1.03 October 26, 2017 Update for correct installation directory default ( could not be fully tested without an actual r1.10 release), rebuild tarballs, update sha256sums
1.02 October 26, 2017 Add sha256sum for
1.01 October 26, 2017 Update tarballs, update sha256sums, correct date
1.00 October 26, 2017 r1.10 Initial release

Contact Information


40 Lloyd Avenue, Suite 104
Malvern, PA 19355, USA
+1 (610) 644-1898



Contact your YottaDB support channel.


For free (to you) support from members of communities who run widely available applications on YottaDB, please use an application-specific list where appropriate.



YottaDB r1.10 is a major release that adds support for Linux on ARM CPUs. Enhancements in this release include reverse $query() - $query(,-1) - as well as optimizations for certain $order() use cases. The script automatically downloads and installs the current YottaDB release. As always, there as other enhancements and fixes, as noted below.

YottaDB r1.10 is built on (and except as noted, upward compatible with) both YottaDB r1.00 and GT.M V6.3-002.

We would like to acknowledge and thank Steve Johnson (@sljohnson1) and Sam Habiel (@shabiel) for making the ARM port possible.


A platform is a combination of a CPU architecture and an operating system. A platform is Supported, Supportable, or Unsupported. Supported means that we have the platform in our development environment and test each release on that platform. Supportable means that although we do not necessarily have such a platform in our environment, we have no reason to believe that the software will not run on it. All others are Unsupported.

CPU Architecture Supported OS Version(s) Notes
64-bit x86 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Note that there are separate binary distributions for Ubuntu and Red Hat, owing to differences in library versions of those distributions.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B; BeagleBone Black Wireless Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1; Stretch IoT (non GUI) While YottaDB r1.10 is Supportable on other ARMv7-A CPUs, owing to variations in the implementations of ARM microarchitectures, we recommend that you ensure the software runs correctly before committing to any specific hardware other than those Supported. Please contact if you want a specific combination of OS and CPU microarchitecture to be Supported.

Recent releases of major GNU/Linux distributions with contemporary kernels, glibc and ncurses are Supportable. Running on Arch Linux requires the ncurses5-compat-libs package to be installed.


The simplest way to install the current release of YottaDB for your platform is the script.
Download it, make the file executable, and execute it:

  • sudo ./ downloads and installs the current YottaDB release with a reasonable set of defaults.
  • sudo ./ --utf8 default downloads and installs the current YottaDB release with UTF-8 support, using the default ICU version on the operating system.
  • ./ --help prints a list of command line options.
  • sudo ./ --verbose outputs information as it executes, for troubleshooting purposes (for example if Internet access is stalled by a proxy server, the script will print the wget command it is trying to execute and hang).

You can also download the YottaDB binary distribution tarball for your platform from the release notes for the latest release, unpack it, change to the directory with the unpacked files, and (a) run the ydbinstall therein or (b) install the historical way per the instructions for installing GT.M in the Installation Procedure section of Chapter 2 (Installing GT.M) in the GT.M Administration and Operations Guide.

We strongly recommend that you install YottaDB r1.10 in a newly created directory, different from those of YottaDB r1.00 and any GT.M versions you may have installed on the system.

Removing an installed YottaDB release

Assuming $gtm_dist points to the directory where YottaDB is installed:

  • Cleanly shut down all application processes using that release.
  • Execute mupip rundown && mupip rundown -relinkctl.
  • Ensure that there are nogtcm* or gtmsecshr processes active.
  • Use sudo lsof | grep $gtm_dist to ensure there are no open files.
  • Delete the directory with sudo rm -rf $gtm_dist.

Upgrading to YottaDB r1.10

As YottaDB r1.10 is upward compatible from both YottaDB r1.00 and GT.M V6.3-002, the minimal upgrade steps are:

  • Install YottaDB r1.10.
  • Recompile any object code, and recreate shared libraries where appropriate.
  • If you are using encryption, compile and install the reference implementation plugin or your customized plugin.
  • Cleanly shut down the application and ensure that the database files are shut down using mupip rundown from the prior release.
  • Switch journal files with the new YottaDB release.
  • Start using the new YottaDB release.

To upgrade from older GT.M releases, first upgrade to GT.M V6.0-000 or later and follow the steps above, or contact your YottaDB support channel for assistance and guidance.

A more sophisticated upgrade technique is:

  • Install YottaDB r1.10.
  • Create a new replicated instance of your application (on the same system or a different system).
  • Assuming the existing instance is A, and the new instance is B, start replicating from A to B.
  • Once B catches up, switchover so that B is in a primary role replicating to A.
  • Once you are satisfied with B, remove (or upgrade) A.

Change History


YottaDB r1.10 includes the following changes from YottaDB r1.00.

Id Category Summary
#8 Other gtmgblstat.xc in binary distribution package
#10 Language Support reverse $query for globals and locals
#11 Database Speed up $order(gvn,-1) where gvn is of the form ^xxx("")
#12 Database Repeated calls to $order(^xxx("")) run faster
#19 Other gtmprofile sets "YDB>" as default prompt
#25 Language Issue MAXSTRLEN error if length of $query(lvn) exceeds maximum string length
#30 Operations Source server behaves correctly (no SIG-11) if started with an external filter followed by a deactivate and shutdown
#32 Language Improve efficiency of C to M calls
#44 Utilities %HD works on hexadecimal numbers with a 0x or 0X prefix
#47 Database OFRZAUTOREL message includes full path of database file
#61 Other Port to Linux on ARM
#66 Other Make it easier to install YottaDB from a source or binary tarball

In addition to the changes described above, YottaDB r1.10 includes changes released in GT.M V6.3-002 with one exception.

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(Section blank for this release)



This is an existing message with updated text. The Action remains unchanged.

OFRZAUTOREL, Online Freeze automatically released for database file aaaa

Operator log Warning: A process needed to modify the database file aaaa, which had an Online Freeze, but with AutoRelease selected. The process continued normally, modifying the file.

Action: Discard any database copy or snapshot made after the Online Freeze, as its contents are suspect. Perform a MUPIP FREEZE -OFF to clean up the prior Online Freeze. If the AutoRelease behavior is not desired, try again with MUPIP FREEZE -ON -ONLINE -NOAUTORELEASE. If the cause of the AutoRelease is unclear, report this and the accompanying ERRCALL message to your YottaDB support channel.


QUERY2, Invalid second argument to $QUERY. Must be -1 or 1

Run Time Error: This indicates that the second argument to a $QUERY function was not a 1 or -1, which are the only permitted values.

Action: Modify the application code to provide a correct value.

From GT.M

In addition to the error messages added by Y...

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YottaDB r1.00

05 Jul 01:56
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YottaDB r1.00

Release Note Revision History

Revision Date Summary
1.00 July 4, 2017 r1.00 - Initial release

Contact Information

YottaDB LLC Support
40 Lloyd Avenue, Suite 104 Customers: Contact your YottaDB support channel
Malvern, PA 19355, USA All others: See below

For free (to you) support from members of communities who run widely available applications on YottaDB, please use an application-specific list where appropriate.



YottaDB r1.00 is the first YottaDB release, intended to validates the development processes of production grade releases of YottaDB LLC. Each YottaDB release is built on a GT.M release, and on the preceding YottaDB release (this first release of course has no preceding YottaDB release). Except for bugs and fixes, which by their nature are not upward compatible, our intent is for each YottaDB release to be functionally and operationally upward compatible with both its YottaDB and GT.M predecessors. The release notes call your attention to any changes that we think you should review with possible compatibility issues in mind.


A platform is a combination of a CPU architecture and an operating system. A platform is Supported, Supportable, or Unsupported. Supported means that we have the platform in our development environment and test each release on that platform. Supportable means that although we do not necessarily have such a platform in our environment, we have no reason to believe that the software will not run on it. All others are Unsupported.

Platform Supported Version(s) Notes
x86 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Recent releases of major Linux distributions (including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x) with contemporary versions of kernels, glibc and ncurses are Supportable. Running on Arch Linux requires the ncurses5-compat-libs package to be installed.


Follow the instructions for installing GT.M in the Installation Procedure section of Chapter 2 (Installing GT.M) in the GT.M Administration and Operations Guide.

Upgrading to YottaDB r1.00

As YottaDB r1.00 is an upward compatible alternative to GT.M V6.3-001A, install YottaDB and follow the instructions in the GT.M V6.3-001A Release Notes.

Change History


Id Category Summary
#2 Language A way for application code to determine whether it is running on YottaDB or GT.M
#3 Language Two argument $[z]length to use $[z]piece cache
#4 Other Change default direct mode prompt to make it easier for users to know whether they're interacting with YottaDB or GT.M

More Information

(Section blank for this release)


(Section blank for this release)

Legal Stuff

Copyright © 2017 YottaDB LLC

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.

YottaDB™ is a trademark of YottaDB LLC.
GT.M™ is a trademark of Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.
Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

This document contains a description of YottaDB and the operating instructions pertaining to the various functions that comprise the software. This document does not contain any commitment of YottaDB LLC. YottaDB LLC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. YottaDB LLC is not responsible for any errors or defects.