This solution (HeuristicSearchMax.sln) is compund of multiple projects. They all cover two main domains GRID & MASIB. In Grid we search for the longest simple path on 2D grid. in MASIB we solve the Multi-Agent version variant of Snake in the Box problem.
Projects structure: MaxSearchAlg - Implementation of search algorithms (A*, DFBnB, Greedy)
Grid related:
- Grid - Longest simple path on 2D grid code
- GridGenerator - tool to generate varaity of grid problems
- ExperimentRunner - tool to run experiments with multiple configuration (algorithm/pruning/heuristic/init-bcc)
- LogUtils\DrawSolution - given an experiment result (in RunningLogs folder) this tool will draw the solution on the grid
- LogUtils\ExperimentSummarizer - given an experiment results files (RunningLogs folder) this tool will create a collection of CSV files that summarize the results in different perspectives
- LogUtils\LogClean - given a verbose log, this tool will remove various lines to make it more readable (for debugging purpose)
Masib related:
- MaSib - Multi agent snake in the box code
- Lab - Python environment that runs multiple MASIB experiments
Test projects:
- CommotTest
- GridTest
- MasibTest
Getting started with grid:
- generate some problems with the GridGenerator project
- run the batch file: rebuildExperimentEnv.bat (maybe you will need to modify paths in it) it will create the folder: ExperimentEnv
- create a folder(s) in it and put the problems you want to solve in that folder(s) - you can create a different folder for every problem set
- edit Profile.txt and define what alg/pruning/heuristics you want to use
- edit ExperimentRunner.exe.config and Grid.exe.config - set default values such as time limitation memory limitations etc...
- run FoldersExp.bat it will solve all the problems in the different folders
- run SumFolders.bat it will summarize the results in each folder saparatly and in ALL_EXP folder for all experiments united
Getting started with masib: see separate readme in the MaSib folder
running GridGenerator without arguments will display the following information
Grid problems generator
Please Provide arguments to run:
all args should be in the form of: [key]=[value] with space between them
type: [basic/rooms/alternate] (mandatory) all other arguments that
start with type name are mandatory for that type
num: number of problems to generate (default=1)
retries: number of retries before stop generation of grid (default=1000)
one-bcc: [true/false] one bcc in initial state, Not relevant for Rooms (default=false)
- - - - Type specific args: All mandatory per type
basic-blocked: number of blocked locations
basic-width: number - basic size
basic-hight: number - basic size
basic-corners: [true/false] if true start & goal will be on the top left and bottom right
corners, otherwise they will be random
- - - -
rooms-num-x: number of rooms in the X axis (width)
rooms-num-y: number of rooms in the Y axis (hight)
rooms-size-x: room size in the X axis (width)
rooms-size-y: room size in the Y axis (hight)
rooms-door-count-x: number of doors on the X walls (width)
rooms-door-count-y: number of doors on the Y walls (hight)
rooms-door-open-prob: probability for door to be open
rooms-barier-prob: probability for blocked location inside a room
- - - -
alternate-width: number - grid size
alternate-hight: number - grid size
alternate-blocked-odd: number of blocked odd locations
alternate-blocked-even: number of blocked even locations
alternate-corners: [true/false] if true start & goal will be on the top left and bottom right
corners, otherwise they will be random
Generate 10 basic maps:
GridGenerator type=basic basic-width=7 basic-hight=5 basic-blocked=9 basic-corners=true num=10
Generate 5 alternate maps:
GridGenerator type=alternate alternate-width=5 alternate-hight=5 alternate-blocked-odd=1 alternate-blocked-even=3 alternate-corners=true one-bcc=true num=5
Generate 3 Rooms maps:
GridGenerator type=rooms rooms-num-x=2 rooms-num-y=2 rooms-size-x=2 rooms-size-y=2 rooms-door-count-x=1 rooms-door-count-y=1 rooms-door-open-prob=0.9 rooms-barier-prob=0.3 num=3
running Grid solver (Grid.exe) without arguments will display the following information
Please Provide arguments to run:
all args should be in the form of: [key]=[value] with space between them
problem: problem filename
time-limit: limit run time to X minutes (default 120), 0 for no time limit
alg: [astar/dfbnb/greedy/greedyloops] the solving algorithm
heuristic: [none/untouched/bcc/alternate/altbcc/sepaltbcc] the heuristic being used
prune: [none/bsd/rsd/hbsd] pruning technique
bcc-init: [true/false] remove non-reachable areas from the graph on init
memTest: if set to true, will not solve nothing, only fill memory
allocation to check 64bit issue
Have fun!