Welcome to my GitHub repository dedicated to my Concepteur Développeur d'Applications (CDA) training course. This repository contains all the exercises, solo projects and other work I've done during my training.
As part of my CDA training, I worked on various projects and exercises to improve my application development skills. This repository gathers these works, each organized in specific folders.
├── module_1
| ├── exercices_vite_react
| ├── frontend
| └── ...
| ├── exercices_rest_express
| ├── backend
| └── ...
| └── exercises_typing_typescript
│ └── practices
| └── exercices_graphql
│ ├── graphql_discovery
│ └── ...
| └── exercices_docker
| ├── quest-1726-docker-express
| └── ...
└── ...
Here are the technologies and programming languages mainly used during my work:
- JavaScript / TypeScript
- Vite / React / Express / Apollo server / GraphQL / TypeGraphQL
- SQL / SQLite /
- Node.js
- Git / GitHub
- Docker
- Tailwind / Shadcn
- Argon2 / JWT / Cookies
- Module 1 :
- Introduce fundamentals TypeScripte
- Introduce in backend with Ts / Express
- Introduce in SQL
- Introduce in ORM
- Introduce in React, vite
- Introduce in basic components
- Introduce in cors
- Introduce in form
- Introduce in connexion backend and frontend
- Introduce in basic hooks react (useState, useEffect ...)
- Introduce in Tailwind and Shadcn
- Introduce in GraphQL and Apollo server
- Introduce in Docker
- Introduce in Docker compose and microservice
- Introduce in Authentication and Cookies
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/YohanGH/WCS-CDA.git
- Navigate in folder module_x / exercices_y
cd my/path/in/folder
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Create
cp .env.sample .env
- Running the App backend
pnpm start
- Running the App frontend
pnpm run dev
The app will be default running on http://localhost:3000.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/YohanGH/WCS-CDA.git
- Navigate in folder exercices_graphql/graphql_discovery
cd exercices_graphql/graphql_discovery
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Running the App
pnpm start
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/YohanGH/WCS-CDA.git
- Navigate in folder Module_1
cd module_1
- Running the App
docker compose up --build
The app will be default running on backend : http://localhost:3310 and frontend : http://localhost:5173 and database : http://localhost:5432.