Plugin for chat management, formatting, anti-spam etc. Requires at least Paper, won't work on Spigot or Bukkit.
- Custom chat format with MiniMessage, PlaceholderAPI and Vault.
- Custom display name format also with MM, PAPI and Vault.
- Per permission colors, formats and MiniMessage tags to use in messages.
- Anti swear, flood, caps
- Allowed message RegEx pattern
- Message cooldown
- Command cooldown
- With receive sound
- And socialspy for admins
- Custom nicknames using simple command, where every MiniMessage tag and legacy format is available per permission.
- Clear chat command.
- Join, quit and death messages, also with an option to disable them.
- Fully customizable messages with lang file, supporting PlaceholderAPI and MiniMessage
- Commands with tab completions
- API for developers
You can download the plugin only on Modrinth, or compile it by yourself.
You can read about plugin's permissions, placeholders etc. on the wiki page.
I make these plugins for me, according to my needs, meaning, I don't search for every possible plugin that I don't care about, that could be somehow better integrated with mine. But, if you care about better integration between this plugin and some other, then just let me know through Discord or GitHub and I will see what I can do.
Same goes for any features that you think may be missing. If something isn't outside the scope of the plugin, then I'll probably do it.
This project uses GNU GPLv3 license.