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This is a full-stack application for the purpose of match-making people with common interest. Whehter it be romantic, platonic, or for business purposes the application can be used to screen and pair users together who are deemed compatible based on the algorithms used.

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This is a full-stack application for the purpose of match-making people with common interest. Whehter it be romantic, platonic, or for business purposes the application can be used to screen and pair users together who are deemed compatible based on the algorithms used.

Table of Contents


Initially you musty have Node installed Also have to initiliaze the npm command to install the required dependencies which can be found in the package.json file Nontheless, All the Npms needed to ruare DotEnv, console.table, express, and mysql2. After installing these, javascript has to be run from terminal through node in order to launch to the server, which would then initiate the page. Ultimately though, the application will be deployed for public use. This would allow for easier access and a more user-friendly interface.


A video for previewing the usage of this application can be found in the following link Click Here for Video Walkthrough

Screenshot of Application

Screenshot of Application

Screenshot of Application


This application can be used to quickly locate people who share common interests and allow each user to potentially meet, or chat with one another for romantic, platonic, or business purposes. Each user would be presented with a series of questions which would be used to create that user's profile.

User Story

AS A User I WANT to be able to visit this website and create a profile SO THAT I can potentially meet and/or chat with people who share common interest or goals that I have.


GIVEN a sign up page WHEN I start the application THEN I am presented with the following options: sign up, or log in WHEN I choose to sign up I can create a profile which would be used to generate User attributes THEN I am presented with a series of questions used to determine my interest/goals WHEN I attempt to log in THEN I can proceed with entering my username and password created from the sign up form. Otherwise If I have not created a profile, I will be redirected to the sign up page. WHEN I choose to view Matches THEN I am presented with users who have shared interets and goals. WHEN I choose to Chat THEN I am presented with a instant message application that would allow communication with a user I have matched with WHEN I choose to remove Match THEN I am prompted to enter the username of the match I would like to remove and that user will no longer be a Match


Martin Corr
Yan Zhang
Tyler Gandy




this was a badge


Node Js
NPM Node filesystem
NPM Express
NPM Mysql2
NPM Sequeqlize
NPM DotEnv
NPM Express-Handlebars
NPM Path
NPM bcrypt


Any additional Questions feel free to contact us at either of our Git Hub profiles which can be accessed below

Yan Zhang's Git Hub

Martin Corr's Github

Tyler Gandy's Git Hub

© 2022 Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved


This is a full-stack application for the purpose of match-making people with common interest. Whehter it be romantic, platonic, or for business purposes the application can be used to screen and pair users together who are deemed compatible based on the algorithms used.






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  • JavaScript 67.7%
  • Handlebars 25.6%
  • CSS 6.7%