Double-click the Debug test host value. Then, change the two references to Coffee to your new product name.
Next, open CoffeeViewModelTests.swift and change @testable import Coffee to your new name. Your new import will follow this format:
import XCTest
@testable import YamamotoCoffee
The Report Navigator contains two tabs: Local and Cloud. Local displays all builds your computer runs locally. Cloud contains all builds Xcode Cloud runs in the cloud.
In the Cloud tab, click the Create Workflow button to create your first workflow.
Xcode Cloud works with apps and frameworks. Select your product and click Next.
Xcode allows you to review the workflow before continuing. For now, leave all the settings as the defaults and click Next. Xcode Cloud contacts GitHub to check permissions.
Back in Xcode, the grant access button is no longer available, and you’ll see another green check mark.
Xcode Cloud requires an app on App Store Connect with your app’s bundle identifier. Lucky for you, Xcode can create the app without even opening a browseXcode Cloud requires an app on App Store Connect with your app’s bundle identifier. Lucky for you, Xcode can create the app without even opening a browser. Click Complete to create your app.
Go ahead and click Start Build to kick off your very first Xcode Cloud build. Xcode Cloud immediately starts the build and switches to the build info in Xcode. Xcode Cloud also sends you an email when the build finishes.
In the previous section, you set up a default workflow that built the project. You can now edit it to run tests instead. Right-click Default and select Edit Workflow.
Navigate to General, and change the Name to Test.
The workflow currently has an archive action in the Actions section. The test workflow only runs tests, so you can delete the archive action. Navigate to Archive – iOS and delete the action using the trash icon in the top right.
Next, add a test action using the + next to the Actions section title.
The last section configures which devices the tests run on. Click the + to add iPads to your workflow.