Welcome to MembersOnly, a vibrant platform empowering users to share messages seamlessly. This application is meticulously crafted using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js),NextJs and Socket.IO guaranteeing a modern development experience. Additionally, I've implemented session-based authentication using Passport.js, ensuring secure access and personalized interactions for our users.
- 📫 Post and view posts on a user-friendly interface.
- 🔄 Real-time updates with automatic message refreshing using Socket.IO.
- ⚙️ MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture for a well-organized backend.
- 🔄 Monorepo structure for combined backend and frontend development.
- 🌐 Database storage powered by MongoDB for efficient data handling.
- ⚡️ Fast and responsive frontend using React and Vite.
- Express.js: Utilized for building a robust and scalable backend server.
- MongoDB: Chosen as the database for its flexibility and ease of integration.
- Passport.js: Used for creating a session-based authentication logic
- Railway: Used for deployment and hosting of the backend logic and Socket.IO Server.
- Next: Developed an interactive and dynamic user interface.
- Axios: Employed for making HTTP requests to the backend.
- TailwindCSS : Styled by tailwind classes
- Aceternity : UI Components
- React-Quill-Editor: a WYSIWYG Editor Used For Posting
Front end is Deployed on Vercel Backend is Deployed in Railway
Members icons created by khulqi Rosyid - Flaticon
since i have deployed my backend logic on railway as it supports web sockets , my free trial may end by the time you see my project so just see the video , Thanks may be in the future i will use nextJs SWR i read that it polls real time updates and it is supported in vercel