The chatbot will be created based on a document retrieval based chatbot architecture. It will be trained on a set of questions and answer dataset. When a user queries a question, the chatbot will find the most relevant answers in the set of possible response and then outputs the answer.
The Data required to train the chatbot need to be in a question and answer format. To obtain the best possible result, the questions and answer should be in a more generic nature regarding the topic. The repository contain the dataset (IE. legal_help_clean.csv) used to create the chatbot.
Text pre-processing are done using NLTK python package. The input user query is tokenized with the punctuation remove. Next, Part of Speech (POS) tagging is done before Lemmatization. Lastly, stop word is removed from the user input query. The training text are pre-processed in the same way as the user input query to ensure consistency.
LSI (also known as Latent Semantic Analysis, LSA) learns latent topics by performing a matrix decomposition (SVD) on the term-document matrix. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) was used to reduce the dimensions of the document vector to find latent relationships between words and improve information understanding. When a user types in a question (user-input-question), the user-input question would be pre-processed in the same way and transformed into vectors using the SVD reduced corpus-questions TF-IDF term-document matrix. Cosine Similarity was used to find similar corpus-questions to the user-input-question by comparing the corpus questions vectors to the user-input-question vector. The answer to the most similar corpus-question would be returned to the user.
SVD decomposed the TF-IDF vectors into smaller dimensions as follows:-
where A is the term-document matrix.
In the process, potential noise in the original corpus-questions could be eliminated and synonyms in the corpus-questions could be identified an orthogonal axis. This resulted in a new smaller vector for each corpus-question.