Feature-rich web blog application using Flask and Python, leveraging various technologies and libraries to ensure a robust and interactive user experience. The project is designed with a fully modular architecture for easy maintainability.
Python, Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Jinja2 Templates, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLAlchemy, WTForms.
- Utilized Flask, templates, and blueprints for code organization.
- Utilized Flask, templates, and blueprints for code organization.
- Integrated Flask-Bcrypt for secure password hashing, user authentication, and database management.
- Implemented a user authentication system, enabling user registration, login, and password resetting.
- Implemented user account management, including user information updates and profile picture upload functionality.
- Enabled CRUD operations for blog posts.
- Allowed users to manage accounts and profiles with profile picture upload functionality.
- Planning to add features like commenting, search, and user roles.
- Planning to implement the 'Our Sidebar' functionality.
- Planning to add functionality to About page.