The Whole Mouse Brain Sub-image (WMBS) dataset contains 34 volumetric images with single neuron surrounded by other neuronal structures. Also, images with multiple weak signal neurons are included. The size of each image is 1024 by 1024 by 100 voxels, and the resolution between X, Y and Z dimension is 0.2 by 0.2 by 1 μm/voxel. The center of the images is the soma center of a neuron. In the dataset, all the critical points (terminations, branch points and cross-over points) of the images are manually labeled.
The dataset is now avaiable from Download1 or Download2
If you used this dataset, please cite the following paper: W. Chen, M. Liu, et al, “Spherical-patches extraction for deep-learning based critical points detection in 3d neuron microscopy images”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 527-583, 2021.
The WMBSub dataset is an extension of the WMBS dataset. This dataset and annotations can be obtained from Download1
If you used this dataset, please cite the following paper: Y. Jiang, W. Chen, M. Liu, et al, “DeepRayburst for Automatic Shape Analysis of Tree-Like Structures in Biomedical Images”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.