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Create and use multiple scoreboards

Xitee edited this page Dec 31, 2022 · 4 revisions

How to use multiple scoreboards

  1. Set the default scoreboard in the config.yml. The name of the scoreboard is the filename without the ".yml" ending.
  2. Now copy the default scoreboard file and rename it to whatever you want. Please do not use spaces in the filename. For example don't do: scoreboard - Name.yml, instead do scoreboard_name.yml. You should also only use english letters. Do not use umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or other special chars.
  3. Open the copied file and go to the bottom. There you can configure the conditions to apply the scoreboard.
  4. The scoreboard you've set as default will always be applied to a player when he joins the server. All other scoreboards if the conditions do match.

Click here to see, how the conditions work

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