Solution provided for the last mile problem on the 3rd edition of HERE MapHack.
This Android demo app displays the locations for the different load/unload points in Valencia, alongside with a batch of real but anonimyzed client locations, offering the user the possibility of toggle isochrones for both kind of points, in an effort of providing the logistic team a new layer of information when planning the delivery.
- How to work and understand the basics of geolocation services through the HERE Android SDK
- First time dealing with real requirements from a "client"
- The basics of working in mobile apps on Android with Java & Android SDK
- First approach on how to use Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA environment for development:
- Base features and utilities (gradle, ant, etc)
- Working with AVD's to test different settings and performance
- Git integration
- That maybe thinking of the detailed code architecture for a demo app on a hackaton is not the best idea