curl -fsSL "" -o "nextalign" && chmod +x nextalign
# ./nextalign -h
nextalign 1.11.0
based on libnextalign 1.11.0
Nextalign is a part of Nextstrain project:
Nextclade Web:
Nextalign is a viral genome sequence alignment tool. It performs pairwise alignment of provided sequences against a given reference sequence using banded local alignment algorithm with affine gap-cost. Band width and rough relative positions are determined through seed matching.
Nextalign will strip insertions relative to the reference and output them in a separate CSV file.
Optionally, when provided with a gene map and a list of genes, Nextalign can perform translation of these genes.
Currently Nextalign primarily focuses on SARS-CoV-2 genome, but it can be used on any virus, given a sufficiently similar reference sequence (less than a 5% divergence).
Nextalign is a free and open-source software and the source code can be found in the Nextclade GitHub repository:
The latest downloads are available at:
Docker container images are available at:
Please report bugs and request features using GitHub Issues:
For questions and general discussion join Nextstrain discussion forum:
Quick Example:
1. Download the example SARS-CoV-2 data files from
(You can also try other viruses in the `data/` directory)
2. Run:
nextalign --sequences=sequences.fasta --reference=reference.fasta --genemap=genemap.gff --genes=E,M,N,ORF1a,ORF1b,ORF3a,ORF6,ORF7a,ORF7b,ORF8,ORF9b,S --output-dir=output/ --output-basename=nextalign
Add `--verbose` flag to show more information in the console. Add `--include-reference` flag to also write gap-stripped reference sequence and peptides into outputs.
3. Find the output files in the `output/` directory:
- nextalign.aligned.fasta - aligned input sequences
- nextalign.gene.<gene_name>.fasta - peptides corresponding to each gene
- nextalign.insertions.csv - list of stripped insertions for each input sequence
nextalign [OPTION...]
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --version Show version
--version-detailed Show detailed version
--verbosity VERBOSITY (optional, string) Set minimum verbosity
level of console output. Possible values are (from
least verbose to most verbose): "silent",
"error", "warn", "info", "debug". Default: 'warn'
(only errors and warnings are shown).
(default: warn)
--verbose (optional, boolean) Increase verbosity of the
console output. Same as --verbosity=info.
--silent (optional, boolean) Disable console output
entirely. --verbosity=silent.
-j, --jobs JOBS (optional, integer) Number of CPU threads
used by the algorithm. If not specified or if a
non-positive value specified, the algorithm
will use all the available threads. (default: 0)
--in-order Force parallel processing in-order. With this
flag the program will wait for results from
the previous sequences to be written to the
output files before writing the results of the
next sequences, preserving the same order as in
the input file. Due to variable sequence
processing times, this might introduce unnecessary
waiting times, but ensures that the resulting
sequences are written in the same order as
they occur in the inputs (except for sequences
which have errors). By default, without this
flag, processing might happen out of order, which
is faster, due to the elimination of waiting,
but might also lead to results written out of
order - the order of results is not specified
and depends on thread scheduling and
processing times of individual sequences. This option
is only relevant when `--jobs` is greater than
1 or is omitted. Note: the sequences which
trigger errors during processing will be omitted
from outputs, regardless of this flag.
-i, --sequences SEQS (required, string) Path to a FASTA file with
input sequences
-r, --reference REF (required, string) Path to a FASTA or plain
text file containing reference sequence
-g, --genes GENES (optional, string) List of genes to
translate. Requires `--genemap`. If not supplied or
empty, sequence will not be translated. If
non-empty, should contain a coma-separated list of
gene names. Parameters `--genes` and
`--genemap` should be either both specified or both
-m, --genemap GENEMAP (optional, string) Path to a GFF file
containing custom gene map. Requires `--genes.` If
not supplied, sequence will not be translated.
Parameters `--genes` and `--genemap` should be
either both specified or both omitted.
-d, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR (optional, string) Write output files to this
directory. The base filename can be set using
`--output-basename` flag. The paths can be
overridden on a per-file basis using
`--output-*` flags. If the required directory tree does
not exist, it will be created.
-n, --output-basename OUTPUT_BASENAME
(optional, string) Set the base filename to
use for output files. To be used together with
`--output-dir` flag. By default uses the
filename of the sequences file (provided with
`--sequences`). The paths can be overridden on a
per-file basis using `--output-*` flags.
--include-reference (optional, boolean) Whether to include
aligned reference nucleotide sequence into output
nucleotide sequence fasta file and reference
peptides into output peptide files.
-o, --output-fasta OUTPUT_FASTA
(optional, string) Path to output aligned
sequences in FASTA format (overrides paths given
with `--output-dir` and `--output-basename`).
If the required directory tree does not exist,
it will be created.
-I, --output-insertions OUTPUT_INSERTIONS
(optional, string) Path to output stripped
insertions data in CSV format (overrides paths
given with `--output-dir` and
`--output-basename`). If the required directory tree does not
exist, it will be created.
-E, --output-errors OUTPUT_ERRORS
(optional, string) Path to output errors and
warnings occurred during processing, in CSV
format (overrides paths given with
`--output-dir` and `--output-basename`). If the required
directory tree does not exist, it will be
--min-length MIN_LENGTH (optional, integer, non-negative) Minimum
length of nucleotide sequence to consider for
alignment. If a sequence is shorter than that,
alignment will not be attempted and a warning
will be emitted. When adjusting this parameter,
note that alignment of short sequences can be
unreliable. (default: 100)
--penalty-gap-extend PENALTY_GAP_EXTEND
(optional, integer, non-negative) Penalty for
extending a gap. If zero, all gaps regardless
of length incur the same penalty. (default:
--penalty-gap-open PENALTY_GAP_OPEN
(optional, integer, positive) Penalty for
opening of a gap. A higher penalty results in
fewer gaps and more mismatches. Should be less
than `--penalty-gap-open-in-frame` to avoid gaps
in genes. (default: 6)
--penalty-gap-open-in-frame PENALTY_GAP_OPEN_IN_FRAME
(optional, integer, positive) As
`--penalty-gap-open`, but for opening gaps at the
beginning of a codon. Should be greater than
`--penalty-gap-open` and less than
`--penalty-gap-open-out-of-frame`, to avoid gaps in genes, but
favor gaps that align with codons. (default: 7)
--penalty-gap-open-out-of-frame PENALTY_GAP_OPEN_OUT_OF_FRAME
(optional, integer, positive) As
`--penalty-gap-open`, but for opening gaps in the body of
a codon. Should be greater than
`--penalty-gap-open-in-frame` to favor gaps that align with
codons. (default: 8)
--penalty-mismatch PENALTY_MISMATCH
(optional, integer, positive) Penalty for
aligned nucleotides or aminoacids that differ in
state during alignment. Note that this is
redundantly parameterized with `--score-match`.
(default: 1)
--score-match SCORE_MATCH
(optional, integer, positive) Score for
encouraging aligned nucleotides or aminoacids with
matching state. (default: 3)
--max-indel MAX_INDEL (optional, integer, non-negative) Maximum
length of insertions or deletions allowed to
proceed with alignment. Alignments with long
indels are slow to compute and require substantial
memory in the current implementation.
Alignment of sequences with indels longer that this
value, will not be attempted and a warning will
be emitted. (default: 400)
--nuc-seed-length NUC_SEED_LENGTH
(optional, integer, positive) Seed length for
nucleotide alignment. Seeds should be long
enough to be unique, but short enough to match
with high probability. (default: 21)
--nuc-min-seeds NUC_MIN_SEEDS
(optional, integer, positive) Minimum number
of seeds to search for during nucleotide
alignment. Relevant for short sequences. In long
sequences, the number of seeds is determined by
`--nuc-seed-spacing`. Should be a positive
integer. (default: 10)
--nuc-seed-spacing NUC_SEED_SPACING
(optional, integer, non-negative) Spacing
between seeds during nucleotide alignment.
(default: 100)
--nuc-mismatches-allowed NUC_MISMATCHES_ALLOWED
(optional, integer, non-negative) Maximum
number of mismatching nucleotides allowed for a
seed to be considered a match. (default: 3)
--no-translate-past-stop (optional, boolean) Whether to stop gene
translation after first stop codon. It will cut
the genes in places cases where mutations
resulted in premature stop codons. If this flag is
present, the aminoacid sequences wil be
truncated at the first stop codon and analysis of
aminoacid mutations will not be available for the
regions after first stop codon.
# ./clustalo-1.2.4-Ubuntu-x86_64 -h
Clustal Omega - 1.2.4 (AndreaGiacomo)
If you like Clustal-Omega please cite:
Sievers F, Wilm A, Dineen D, Gibson TJ, Karplus K, Li W, Lopez R, McWilliam H, Remmert M, Söding J, Thompson JD, Higgins DG.
Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence alignments using Clustal Omega.
Mol Syst Biol. 2011 Oct 11;7:539. doi: 10.1038/msb.2011.75. PMID: 21988835.
If you don't like Clustal-Omega, please let us know why (and cite us anyway).
Check for more information and updates.
Usage: clustalo-1.2.4-Ubuntu-x86_64 [-hv] [-i {<file>,-}] [--hmm-in=<file>]... [--hmm-batch=<file>] [--dealign] [--profile1=<file>] [--profile2=<file>] [--is-profile] [-t {Protein, RNA, DNA}] [--infmt={a2m=fa[sta],clu[stal],msf,phy[lip],selex,st[ockholm],vie[nna]}] [--distmat-in=<file>] [--distmat-out=<file>] [--guidetree-in=<file>] [--guidetree-out=<file>] [--pileup] [--full] [--full-iter] [--cluster-size=<n>] [--clustering-out=<file>] [--trans=<n>] [--posterior-out=<file>] [--use-kimura] [--percent-id] [-o {file,-}] [--outfmt={a2m=fa[sta],clu[stal],msf,phy[lip],selex,st[ockholm],vie[nna]}] [--residuenumber] [--wrap=<n>] [--output-order={input-order,tree-order}] [--iterations=<n>] [--max-guidetree-iterations=<n>] [--max-hmm-iterations=<n>] [--maxnumseq=<n>] [--maxseqlen=<l>] [--auto] [--threads=<n>] [--pseudo=<file>] [-l <file>] [--version] [--long-version] [--force] [--MAC-RAM=<n>]
A typical invocation would be: clustalo-1.2.4-Ubuntu-x86_64 -i my-in-seqs.fa -o my-out-seqs.fa -v
See below for a list of all options.
Sequence Input:
-i, --in, --infile={<file>,-} Multiple sequence input file (- for stdin)
--hmm-in=<file> HMM input files
--hmm-batch=<file> specify HMMs for individual sequences
--dealign Dealign input sequences
--profile1, --p1=<file> Pre-aligned multiple sequence file (aligned columns will be kept fix)
--profile2, --p2=<file> Pre-aligned multiple sequence file (aligned columns will be kept fix)
--is-profile disable check if profile, force profile (default no)
-t, --seqtype={Protein, RNA, DNA} Force a sequence type (default: auto)
--infmt={a2m=fa[sta],clu[stal],msf,phy[lip],selex,st[ockholm],vie[nna]} Forced sequence input file format (default: auto)
--distmat-in=<file> Pairwise distance matrix input file (skips distance computation)
--distmat-out=<file> Pairwise distance matrix output file
--guidetree-in=<file> Guide tree input file (skips distance computation and guide-tree clustering step)
--guidetree-out=<file> Guide tree output file
--pileup Sequentially align sequences
--full Use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation (might be slow; mBed is default)
--full-iter Use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation during iteration (might be slowish; mBed is default)
--cluster-size=<n> soft maximum of sequences in sub-clusters
--clustering-out=<file> Clustering output file
--trans=<n> use transitivity (default: 0)
--posterior-out=<file> Posterior probability output file
--use-kimura use Kimura distance correction for aligned sequences (default no)
--percent-id convert distances into percent identities (default no)
Alignment Output:
-o, --out, --outfile={file,-} Multiple sequence alignment output file (default: stdout)
--outfmt={a2m=fa[sta],clu[stal],msf,phy[lip],selex,st[ockholm],vie[nna]} MSA output file format (default: fasta)
--residuenumber, --resno in Clustal format print residue numbers (default no)
--wrap=<n> number of residues before line-wrap in output
--output-order={input-order,tree-order} MSA output order like in input/guide-tree
--iterations, --iter=<n> Number of (combined guide-tree/HMM) iterations
--max-guidetree-iterations=<n> Maximum number of guidetree iterations
--max-hmm-iterations=<n> Maximum number of HMM iterations
Limits (will exit early, if exceeded):
--maxnumseq=<n> Maximum allowed number of sequences
--maxseqlen=<l> Maximum allowed sequence length
--auto Set options automatically (might overwrite some of your options)
--threads=<n> Number of processors to use
--pseudo=<file> Input file for pseudo-count parameters
-l, --log=<file> Log all non-essential output to this file
-h, --help Print this help and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose output (increases if given multiple times)
--version Print version information and exit
--long-version Print long version information and exit
--force Force file overwriting