Welcome to my portfolio website built with React and Styled Components. This project showcases my skills, projects, and experience in a visually appealing and interactive manner.
- Responsive Design: Ensures compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
- Dynamic Routing: Smooth navigation between different sections using React Router.
- Styled Components: Utilizes Styled Components for modular and maintainable styling.
- Project Showcase: Highlights my projects with descriptions, links, and images.
- Skills Section: Displays my skills and proficiency with interactive elements.
You can view a live demo of my portfolio here.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.
- Node.js: Download Node.js (npm is included with Node.js)
The application can be deployed using various platforms. Here are some common deployment methods:
- Firebase Hosting: Deploy using Firebase Hosting by linking your Firebase project.
npm install -g firebase-tools firebase login firebase init npm run build firebase deploy