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PgOSM-Flex provides high quality OpenStreetMap datasets in PostGIS using the osm2pgsql Flex output.


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PgOSM Flex

The goal of PgOSM Flex is to provide high quality OpenStreetMap datasets in PostGIS using the osm2pgsql Flex output. This project provides a curated set of Lua and SQL scripts to clean and organize the most commonly used OpenStreetMap data, such as roads, buildings, and points of interest (POIs).

The approach to processing is to do as much processing in the <name>.lua script with post-processing steps creating indexes, constraints and comments in a companion <name>.sql script.

Project decisions

A few decisions made in this project:

  • ID column is osm_id
  • Geometry stored in SRID 3857
  • Geometry column named geom
  • Default to same units as OpenStreetMap (e.g. km/hr, meters)
  • Data not deemed worthy of a dedicated column goes in side table osm.tags. Raw key/value data stored in JSONB column
  • Points, Lines, and Polygons are not mixed in a single table

Versions Supported

Minimum versions supported:

  • Postgres 12
  • PostGIS 3.0
  • osm2pgsql 1.5.0

PgOSM via Docker

The easiest option to use PgOSM-Flex is with the Docker image. The image has all the pre-reqs installed, handles downloading an OSM subregion from Geofabrik, and saves an output .sql file with the processed data ready to load into your database(s). The PBF/MD5 source files are archived by date with the ability to easily reload them at a later date.

Basic Docker usage

This section outlines the basic operations for using Docker to run PgOSM-Flex. See the full Docker instructions in docs/

Create directory for the .osm.pbf file, output .sql file, log output, and the osm2pgsql command ran.

mkdir ~/pgosm-data

Set environment variables for the temporary Postgres connection in Docker.

export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword

Start the pgosm Docker container. At this point, PostgreSQL / PostGIS is available on port 5433.

docker run --name pgosm -d --rm \
    -v ~/pgosm-data:/app/output \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -p 5433:5432 -d rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex

Run the processing for the Washington D.C. The docker/ script requires three (3) parameters, typical use will use four (4) to include the --subregion.

  • PgOSM-Flex layer set (run-all)
  • Total RAM for osm2pgsql, Postgres and OS (8)
  • Region (north-america/us)
  • Sub-region (district-of-columbia) (Optional)
docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --layerset=run-all \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \

The initial output with the docker exec command points to the log file (linked in the docker run command above), monitor this file to track progress of the import.

Monitor /app/output/district-of-columbia.log for progress...
If paths setup as outlined in, use:
    tail -f ~/pgosm-data/district-of-columbia.log

The above command takes roughly 1 minute to run if the PBF for today has already been downloaded. If the PBF is not downloaded it will depend on how long it takes to download the 17 MB PBF file + ~ 1 minute processing.

The output .sql file is saved under ~/pgosm_data/pgosm-flex-north-america-us-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql. This .sql file can be loaded into a PostGIS enabled database using:

psql -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE myosm;"
psql -d myosm -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d myosm \
    -f ~/pgosm-data/pgosm-flex-north-america-us-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql

After processing

After the docker exec command completes, the processed OpenStreetMap data is available in the Docker container on port 5433 and has automatically been exported to ~/pgosm-data/pgosm-flex-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql.

Connect and query directly in the Docker container.

psql -h localhost -p 5433 -d pgosm -U postgres -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM osm.road_line;"

│ count │
│ 38480 │

Or load the processed data (now in .sql format) to the Postgres/PostGIS instance of your choice.

psql -d $YOUR_DB_STRING \
    -f ~/pgosm-data/pgosm-flex-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql

The ~/pgosm-data directory has four (4) files, the PBF and its MD5 chcksum, the processing log, and the processed output file (.sql).

ls -alh ~/pgosm-data/

-rw-r--r--  1 root        root         17M May 18 17:24 district-of-columbia-2021-05-18.osm.pbf
-rw-r--r--  1 root        root          70 May 18 17:24 district-of-columbia-2021-05-18.osm.pbf.md5
-rw-r--r--  1 root        root        799K May 18 17:25 district-of-columbia.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root        root         117 May 18 17:24
-rw-r--r--  1 root        root        154M May 18 17:25 pgosm-flex-north-america-us-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql

The designed intent is to load the OpenStreetMap data processed by this Docker image into your PostGIS database(s). The process runs pg_dump on the resulting data to create the .sql output file. This can be easily loaded into any Postgres/PostGIS database using psql.

psql -d $YOUR_DB_STRING \
    -f ~/pgosm-data/pgosm-flex-north-america-us-district-of-columbia-run-all.sql

The source file (.osm.pbf) and its MD5 verificiation file (osm.pbf.md5) get renamed from -latest to the date (-2021-05-18). This enables loading the file downloaded today again in the future, either with the same version of PgOSM Flex or the latest version. The docker exec command uses the PGOSM_DATE environment variable to load these historic files.

See more in docs/

On-server import

See docs/ for prereqs and steps for running without Docker.

Layer Sets

Layer sets are defined under the directory pgosm-flex/flex-config/, the current run-* options are:

  • run-all
  • run-no-tags
  • run-road-place
  • run-unitable

Each of these layer sets includes the core layer defintions (see style/*.lua) and post-processing SQL (see sql/*.sql). The .lua scripts work with osm2pgsql's Flex output. PgOSM-Flex is using these styles with a mix-and-match approach. This is best illustrated by looking within the main run-all.lua script. As the following shows, it does not define any actual styles, only includes a single style, and runs another layer set (run-no-tags).

require "style.tags"
require "run-no-tags"

The style.tags script creates a table osm.tags that contains all OSM key/value pairs, but with no geometry. This is the largest table loaded by the run-all layer set and enables joining any OSM data in another layer (e.g. osm.road_line) to find any additional tags.

QGIS Layer Styles

Use QGIS to visualize OpenStreetMap data? This project includes a few basic styles using the public.layer_styles table created by QGIS.

See the QGIS Style for more information.

Loaded by Docker process by default. Is excluded when --data-only used.

Explore data loaded

A peek at some of the tables loaded. This query requires the PostgreSQL Data Dictionary (PgDD) extension, use \dt+ osm.* in psql for similar details.

SELECT s_name, t_name, rows, size_plus_indexes 
    FROM dd.tables 
    WHERE s_name = 'osm' 
    ORDER BY t_name LIMIT 10;
    │ s_name │        t_name        │  rows  │ size_plus_indexes │
    │ osm    │ amenity_line         │      7 │ 56 kB             │
    │ osm    │ amenity_point        │   5796 │ 1136 kB           │
    │ osm    │ amenity_polygon      │   7593 │ 3704 kB           │
    │ osm    │ building_point       │    525 │ 128 kB            │
    │ osm    │ building_polygon     │ 161256 │ 55 MB             │
    │ osm    │ indoor_line          │      1 │ 40 kB             │
    │ osm    │ indoor_point         │      5 │ 40 kB             │
    │ osm    │ indoor_polygon       │    288 │ 136 kB            │
    │ osm    │ infrastructure_point │    884 │ 216 kB            │
    │ osm    │ landuse_point        │     18 │ 56 kB             │

Meta table

PgOSM-Flex tracks basic metadata in table osm.pgosm_flex. The ts is set by the post-processing script. It does not necessarily indicate the date of the data loaded, though in general it should be close depending on your processing pipeline.

    FROM osm.pgosm_flex;
│  osm_date  │ default_date │    region     │ pgosm_flex_version │ srid │            project_url            │ osm2pgsql_version │
│ 2020-01-01 │ t            │ north-america │ 0.1.1-f488d7b      │ 3857 │…│ 1.4.1             │
│            │              │               │                    │      │…pgosm-flex                        │                   │

Query examples

For example queries with data loaded by PgOSM-Flex see docs/

Points of Interest (POIs)

Loads an range of tags into a materialized view (osm.poi_all) for easy searching POIs. Line and polygon data is forced to point geometry using ST_Centroid(). This layer duplicates a bunch of other more specific layers (shop, amenity, etc.) to provide a single place for simplified POI searches.

Special layer included by layer sets run-all and run-no-tags. See style/poi.lua for logic on how to include POIs. The topic of POIs is subject and likely is not inclusive of everything that probably should be considered a POI. If there are POIs missing from this table please submit a new issue with sufficient details about what is missing. Pull requests also welcome! See

Counts of POIs by osm_type.

SELECT osm_type, COUNT(*)
    FROM osm.vpoi_all
    GROUP BY osm_type

Results from Washington D.C. subregion (March 2020).

│ osm_type │ count │
│ amenity  │ 12663 │
│ leisure  │  2701 │
│ building │  2045 │
│ shop     │  1739 │
│ tourism  │   729 │
│ man_made │   570 │
│ landuse  │    32 │
│ natural  │    19 │

Includes Points (N), Lines (L) and Polygons (W).

SELECT geom_type, COUNT(*) 
    FROM osm.vpoi_all
    GROUP BY geom_type
│ geom_type │ count │
│ W         │ 10740 │
│ N         │  9556 │
│ L         │   202 │

One table to rule them all

From the perspective of database design, the osm.unitable option is the worst!

This style included in PgOSM-Flex is intended to be used for troublshooting and quality control. It is not intended to be used for real production workloads! This table is helpful for exploring the full data set when you don't really know what you are looking for, but you know where you are looking.

Load the unitable.lua script to make the full OpenStreetMap data set available in one table. This violates all sorts of best practices established in this project by shoving all features into a single unstructured table.

osm2pgsql --slim --drop \
    --output=flex --style=./unitable.lua \
    -d pgosm \

The unitable.lua script include in in this project was adapted from the unitable example from osm2pgsql. This version uses JSONB instead of HSTORE and takes advantage of helpers.lua to easily customize SRID.

JSONB support

PgOSM-Flex uses JSONB in Postgres to store the raw OpenSteetMap key/value data (tags column) and relation members (member_ids).

Current JSONB columns:

  • osm.tags.tags
  • osm.unitable.tags
  • osm.place_polygon.member_ids
  • osm.vplace_polygon.member_ids
  • osm.poi_polygon.member_ids

Additional resources

Blog posts covering various details and background information.


PgOSM-Flex provides high quality OpenStreetMap datasets in PostGIS using the osm2pgsql Flex output.







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  • Lua 67.6%
  • Python 20.4%
  • PLpgSQL 8.7%
  • Makefile 1.5%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%