📝 Make your To Do easy
LIN is a cross-platform app that manages Todo list.
If you are already experienced with React and JavaScript tooling and want to dive right in and figure things out as you go, this is the quickest way to get started:
expo start
Go ./RestAPI
directory and use the following command to get a list of the others:
go run main.go
If you don't already have Node.js and NPM, go install them. Then, in the folder where you have cloned the repository, install the build dependencies using npm:
npm install
Then, to build the source, run:
npm run build
Notification Alert Server
See here
Currently, only basic features have been developed.
Tested on iPhone 11pro and xs @iOS14.3 @expo2.18.2.1010482
© 2021 XENIA101 - Released under GPL License 2.0