Contains MATLAB scripts for comparing altimetric river water level data with CaMa-Flood model outputs (sfcelv: Water Surface Elevation, and rivout: Discharge) for the Niger and Ganges-Brahmaputra river basins.
The comparison is performed in two ways:
- The first temporal components from altimetric data and CaMa-Flood outputs are extracted and compared.
- Time series from selected virtual stations are compared to the closest CaMa-Flood output.
The altimetric data is accessible with the link:
The CaMa-Flood output files required for running this script is stored of google drive accessible with the link:
V09: user can specify path to each data in the "Specify Paths" section
default paths are mentioned below, where REGION is either Niger or Ganges-Brahmaputra:
Dahiti Altimetry Data: './Dahiti/REGION Basin/'
Hydroweb Altimetry Data: './Hydroweb/REGION Basin/'
CLMS Altimetry data: './CLMS/REGION Basin/'
WSE CaMa-Flood Outputs: './REGION_03min_W3RA_AAU/WSE/'
Q CaMa-Flood Outputs: './REGION_03min_W3RA_AAU/Q/'
V10: opens a window for each data source to select desired data. a data source can be ignored by closing it's window without selecting any data.
Contains MATLAB scripts for regionalizing global runoff data. The script trims global NetCDF runoff files on the Niger and Ganges-Brahmaputra basins and export the results as new NetCDF files.