A little puzzle on using multithreading to force a hash function.
- Let S be an input string, D un an integer and H a hashing algorithm.
- The goal is to identify a key K such that H(S+K) = T, where S+K is the concatenation between the two strings and T must start with D zeros.
- S =
SisOp-Course A-Hashing-Puzzle-
- D =
- The hashing algorithm to be used is
SHA3- 256
. - The key K to be identified is a string of length between 1 and 6, which can contain only the characters of the following alphabet:
: ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]
- The characters of the given alphabet are all consecutive...
- A char can be mapped to an integer...
- S =
- D = 4
- K =
T = H("Esempio-Hashing-Puzzle-=MZ") = 0000b5114f4f2da3eb004bf117eac13a1f02ccf459635de08d35457a40b3d515
- Prof. F. Marozzo
- Prof. R. Cantini
UNICAL University, Calabria, Italy.