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WyWeb is a static site generator for Wyatt's Website


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WyWeb is a static site generator that powers Wyatt's Websites. I originally developed the concept in 2019 and implemented it in Python. Eventually, the lack of a robust type system drove me mad enough to learn Go and rewrite WyWeb from scratch. The switch to Go resulted not only in easier development, but a speed increase of nearly 1000x — from hundreds of milliseconds to serve a page using python to tens of microseconds using Go.

The Structure of a WyWeb Site

A WyWeb Site is a simple directory structure. Each page corresponds to a directory that must contain a Markdown document and may contain any other resources that page needs. WyWeb uses magic wyweb YAML files to know how and what kind of page to serve. Here is an example excerpt from my website:

├── wyweb
├── blog
│   ├── 2024-01-04_uwsgi
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── logo_uWSGI.svg
│   │   └── wyweb
│   ├── 2024-01-09_derivatives
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── wyweb
│   ├── 2403_led
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── reverse_led.svg
│   │   └── wyweb
│   └── wyweb
├── contact
│   ├──
│   ├── cws-pubkey.txt
│   ├── meta.json
│   └── wyweb
└── gallery
    ├── Artists drive earlier.jpg
    ├── BrycePano.jpg
    ├── cicada.jpg
    └── wyweb

There are three main types of WyWeb pages (with more planned for the future) — posts, listings, and galleries. Each of these page types has an associated wyweb file to describe it. As well as these three, there is also the Root wyweb file that controls the configuration options for the site as a whole.


A post is intended to be used as a blog post, or other similar type of web page. Posts are faithful to what the user writes in that the entire document will be presented to the reader as intended. WyWeb will add navigation links, author and version info, tags, and other metadata as necessary.


Listings are directories that contain posts; they are rendered as a list of blog posts with an optional thumbnail for each. Currently listings are only ordered by publication date, with the most recent post appearing at the top of the list. A listing is generated automatically with little need for configuration from the user.


My favorite of the bunch, a gallery is a directory of images. WyWeb will scan the directory for images, automatically create thumbnails to save on bandwidth, and present the reader with an aesthetically pleasing grid of images to click on.

WyWeb Markdown features

WyWeb is built on Goldmark and supports most standard markdown features and extensions, as well as some unique quality of life improvements.

Standard extensions

  • Tables
  • Footnotes
  • Typographer (Punctuation substitution à la smartypants)
  • TaskList
  • Strikethrough
  • Autolinks

Custom Extensions

The custom functionality of WyWeb is intended to further reduce the need for writing HTML directly.

Smart links

Say you are writing a blog post for your website, blofeld-from-spectre.evil. The post lives in the blog subdirectory of the site's root directory like so : path/to/blofeld-from-spectre.evil/blog/my_first_post. You have some images in this directory that you would like to include in your post:

├── wyweb
└── blog
    └── my_first_post
        ├── my_cat_mittens.jpg
        ├── my_evil_fortress.jpg
        └── wyweb

Rather than having to specify the full path of these images,

# My first blog post :3
Welcome to my blog! This is my cat mittens ![A beautiful Persian cat](/blog/my_first_post/my_cat_mittens.jpg) she is
silly and likes to have her tummy scratched. This is my evil fortress from where I devise new and cruel ways to extort
money from powerful governments ![Do not look this is a secret](/blog/my_first_post/my_evil_fortress.jpg)

One may instead simply provide the base file name of the images or media:

# My first blog post :3
Welcome to my blog! This is my cat mittens ![A beautiful Persian cat](my_cat_mittens.jpg) she is
silly and likes to have her tummy scratched. This is my evil fortress from where I devise new and cruel ways to extort
money from powerful governments ![Do not look this is a secret](my_evil_fortress.jpg)

Smart media embedding

WyWeb uses the same syntax for images to include audio and video media in a webpage. The following markdown text

Here is a video of Mittens playing with a ball of yarn

Here is a recording of the Atropian Dictator discussing his favorite Pokémon:

will be rendered as

    Here is a video of Mittens playing with a ball of yarn
    <video controls autoplay loop mute>
        <source src="mymovie.webm" type="video/webm" />
    Here is a recording of the Atropian Dictator discussing his favorite Pokémon:
    <audio controls>
        <source src="blackmail.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />

Media type detection is resolved by the file extension. Though this is a somewhat naïve approach, it is very fast and largely accurate.


Supported filetypes for video

webm, mp4, mkv, ogv


Supported filetypes for audio

mp3, ogg, wav, flac

SVG Embedding

Embedding SVG source in HTML makes the graphic part of the DOM; this makes it easier to style with CSS or manipulate with JavaScript.

This will produce an `<img>` element ![](diagram.svg)

This will embed the SVG XML directly in the page ![%](diagram.svg)


WyWeb may support arbitrary file embedding in the future, eliminating the need for server-side includes.


Wyweb allows attributes on arbitrary nodes. Currently, attributes only support classes and IDs.

This image has the class "thumbnail" ![](thumb.jpg){:.thumbnail}

This image has the id "focus" ![](blur.png){:#focus}

This image has several classes and IDs ![]("kitten.jpg"){:#kitten #hero-image .thumbnail .center}

Is rendered as

<p>This image has the class &ldquo;thumbnail&rdquo; <img src="thumb.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></p>
<p>This image has the id &ldquo;focus&rdquo; <img src="blur.png" alt="" id="focus" /></p>
<p>This image has several classes and IDs <img src="%22kitten.jpg%22" alt="" class="thumbnail center" id="kitten hero-image" /></p>

WyWeb Files

All types of wyweb files have a large overlap of settings they support, but for each type of page, there are some settings that would not make sense to apply to other types of page. To prevent the user from having to repeat information, WyWeb pages intelligently inherit settings from their parent directories, with the option for the user to explicitly define exclusions if necessary.

Common settings

In the following tables, a data type in bold text signifies a literal. An example would be the prev setting, which tells WyWeb the previous page in a listing and has the required fields path and text:

    path: blog/2024_02_whales
    text: Moby Dick Ruined my Garden
Setting Type Description Can be inferred? Heritable?
author string The author of the page
title string The title (heading) of the page ⚠ (set to contents of <h1> if unspecified)
description string A short description (1-2 sentences)
copyright string The copyright message to be displayed in the footer
date date The original publication date in YYYY-MM-DD format
updated date The date of the most recent update to this page in YYYY-MM-DD format
prev, up, next path: string
text: string
Navigation links for the previous, parent, and next pages. The path controls the link location, and the text is how the link is displayed.
include, exclude list[string] A list of resource names to be either included or excluded on this page
meta list[string] Intended for raw HTML <meta> tags, but can be any HTML To be added to the <head> of the document ⚠ (only from root)
resources map[string:resource] A map of resource names to values. See the following section


Listings do not have any unique settings. All of the above apply.


A resource is a CSS Style or JavaScript code. A resource can be "raw" in that their value is included directly in the page, or a "link" to be loaded separately.

Resource Field Type Description
type style or script style for CSS; script for Javascript
method raw or link determines how to treat the value field
attributes map[string:string] key:value pairs that render as key="value" in the final HTML tag
value string interpreted as a URL if method==link; interpreted as code to be placed inside the <style> or <script> tags. The tags will be made automatically, so the user should not include them.
depends_on list[string] A list of the names of other resources that should be included before this one.

The Root WyWeb File

The root wyweb must begin with the line --- !root (case-insensitive). Heritability is not considered in this table, as the only unique non-heritable field is index. The following settings are in addition to the common settings listed above.

Setting Type Description Can be inferred?
index path The document that should be served when visiting the root of the website
domain_name string The domain name of the website includeing tld and subdomain ⚠ (Must have reverse proxy configured to send X-Forwarded-Host if applicable)
default, always
All settings have the usual meanings. default settings are applied for documents that omit these settings. always settings are always applied.

Post WyWeb Files

Setting Type Description Can be inferred?
index path The name of the markdown file to render ⚠ (see following note)
preview markdown string A preview of the post to display in a listing
tags list[string] A list of tags under which to categorize this post


If the index is unspecified, WyWeb will search for the following file names in order:,,, article, index, post

Gallery WyWeb Files

Galleries only have a single unique component: a list of GalleryItems. All other settings are in common settings.

GalleryItem Field Type Description
Addenda string Any information not covered by the other fields
Alt string Alt text for accessability
Artist string The name of the artist
Date date Date of the work in YYYY-MM-DD format
Description string Short (up to one paragraph) description of the work
Filename string The base name of the file (no directories)
Location string Physical location on earth where the work is or was created
Medium string Materials or process from or by which the artwork was created
Title string The name of the work
Tags list[string] As for posts, a list of tags under which to categorize this work


WyWeb is a static site generator for Wyatt's Website







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