Discord spam bots with multiple account support and more. Made strictly for testing anti-spam for server owners
DM Spammers are broken as of right now.
- Account Creator
- Mulitple accounts
- Image spammer
- Insult spammer
- Text spammer
- Server joining
- Proxy support
- Python 3.6+ (I use 3.7.8)
- discum (pip install discum)
- Beautiful Soup 4 (pip install bs4
- Selenium (pip install selenium)
- Requests (pip install requests)
Linux bots are tested using VM Virutal Box and Ubuntu/BunsenLabs
Self-bots are against Discord's terms of service, using this on servers that aren't your own will get your account deleted. You could even get banned while using it on your own server. I'm not responsible if you do.
This script is made only for testing your server's anti-spam, using bots like sweetie, etc.