Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/4116847
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/apps/test/smithy/4116847/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/6686444514705408/
This minor release includes the following changes:
New Features and Improvements
- #788 FED-194 Fully implement hooks exhaustive dependencies diagnostic, add tests
- FED-194 Analyzer plugin: hooks exhaustive dependencies (useEffect, useCallback, etc.)
- #791 FED-513 Fix PlainJavaScriptObject test failure in master
- FED-513 Fix PlainJavaScriptObject test failure in master
- #792 RM-164256 RM-164255 Release over_react 4.6.0
- RM-164255 RELEASE over_react 4.6.0
- RM-164256 CONSUME over_react 4.6.0
Notes created on Friday, December 02 04:51 PM UTC