Releases: Wonder-Technology/Wonder-Editor
Releases · Wonder-Technology/Wonder-Editor
optimize .wpk
add export,import,publish;add material,wdb assets;add console;add ui;rewrite tests;rewrite two engine states;optimize redo-undo;
add export,import package
add export scene
add publish local zip
support use or not use worker -
add material assets
add wdb assets
add console
add ui
edit texture assets
rewrite engine state
change "two engine states" to "one engine state" -
rewrite test
directly invoke functions instead of trigger event
- optimize redo-undo
Bug Fixes
- asset: fix "load texture asset(jpg image)"->"apply to lightMaterial"->export->import bug (ffb2eea)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset"->the wdb->name in the same path should be unique (7c82de1)
- asset: fix drag texture asset to set material map (6d5e88c)
- asset: fix import->fileReader->type: use extname instead of file.type (d14f028)
- clone: fix bug: clone car gameObject (65b2f87)
- component: fix "replace geometry of gameObject": use "remove geometry" instead of "dispose geometry" (aa5ada5)
- event: fix "trigger refresh_inspector" (419b9de)
- imgui: fix "draw direction light"->_convertAnchorFromTopLeftToCenter (034e49d)
- inspector: fix "select material" bug (bb955ed)
- inspector: fix "texture inspector"->magFilter: only has Nearest, Linear options (dce5738)
- inspector: fix "texture inspector": now change wrap/filter will update texture (0f7c557)
- inspector: fix "when run and has arcballCameraController and is trigger gameView event, transform inspector can't be operate!!!" bug (961c630)
- inspector: fix inspector->material->map: now can show map correctly (843085d)
- inspector: fix transform->rotation (5956a58)
- inspector: fix transform->rotation (ed54953)
- inspector: fix transform->scale: now support 0 (202885b)
- left-header: fix "remove actived camera's parent gameObject" bug (6b2faa2)
- light: fix "change direction light to point light if point lights' count > 4 will cause error" bug (6b035b0)
- publish: fix loading (138f5aa)
- redo-undo: fix "undo to the state before run when run" bug (35df147)
- redo-undo: fix redo-undo->run/stop: now dispatch UpdateStore.All after refresh state when stop (3675f1a)
- scene-tree: fix SceneGraphUtils->addTreeNodeSceneGraphData (ee41864)
- scene-tree: run and stop not refresh sceneTree bug (52fa32c)
- store: fix "rename material asset->warn not refresh console unread count" bug (5770230)
- ui: css: fix console->.header-message (06faf45)
- ui: css: fix drag tree->border css (1583129)
- ui: css: fix MainEditorMaterialMap->.texture-img (f506bde)
- ui: fix "Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component" (46365a6)
- ui: fix MainEditorAssetHeader->"Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component" (ca7201f)
-> _handleRemoveWdbNode can't remove cloned wdb gameObject (6868829)
- ui: improve drag sceneTreeNode/assetTree node (130791b)
- viewport: fix "restore job"->"set view port": set canvas size instead of full screen size (055c4ef)
- fix "no camera" info: now auto resize when trigger resize event (2047a25)
- fix MainEditor->resize canvas bug: judge whether gl is exist (e4545d1)
- fix MainEditor->resizeCanvasAndViewPort (b7686ed)
- fix MainUtils->init: re now load imgui asset (4a9b21a)
- trigger arcball game view event when run: should update inspector (ac07657)
- addablecomponent: finish click other widget close addableComponent (2094a26)
- addablecomponent: finish click other widget close addableComponent (fc89b5f)
- asset: "default scene","added gameObject","added renderGroup->material component" use default light material (5805104)
- asset: "load glb/gltf":if has TEXCOORD_1, fatal (d9cd883)
- asset: "load gltf zip":handle "gltf not exist" exception (3a4ada2)
- asset: "load scene wdb" set imgui; "load model wdb" not set imgui (da7a6f0)
- asset: "rename material asset" add limit (f24e8e1)
- asset: "wdb asset"->"drag wdb asset" add check light count (d1854f1)
- asset: add "load glb" (9fb67d0)
- asset: add "remove material asset" logic (60fc679)
- asset: add "remove texture from material assets" logic (38faae1)
- asset: asset children: sort by type and name (87208ea)
- asset: asset tree: sort by name (7860e03)
- asset: change "select geometry" and "select material" show order (2e59ad6)
- asset: change asset default name to no-name name (56f64e0)
- asset: default asset tree node->isShowChildren change to false (170dd8f)
- asset: fix "asset wdb"->"remove and load asset wdb" bug (59a7e42)
- asset: fix "dispose wdb asset": should dispose the wdb gameObject(remove material) (93ca470)
- asset: fix "drag wdb asset" to folder bug (8ed84a6)
- asset: fix "export/import wdb asset and geometry" related bugs (141592a)
- asset: fix "import wdb": "init all imported gameObjects" instead of init director (9d09f93)
- asset: fix "load asset" type check: shouldn't be .wpk (0c67e63)
- asset: fix "load scene wdb"->init re (af08603)
- asset: fix "load scene wdb","load model wdb": not bind wdb->arcball cameraController event (071a1b7)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset contain light shouldn't be exceed max count" bug (09d99ea)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset"->if wdb has no material, should has no extracted assets (2242f84)
- asset: fix "material asset"-> "change material type" related bugs (71aad3b)
- asset: fix "material asset"->material inspector->...
finish all gameObject component add and remove; finish use Imgui show icon;
Bug Fixes
- gameObject: fix bug:add deep dispose gameObject (ce2461b)
- addGameObject: extract AddGameObjectType manage gameObject type (0f9cd42)
- assetState: remove AssetState, change to editorState-> assetRecord (ee4f41b)
- blurEvent: add check blur value is equal origin value (9dc80b8)
- camera: add cameraGroup and remove cameraGroup is run, bind and unbind event (2dc2873)
- camera: add cameraGroup cameraView component (4815161)
- camera: finish camera view component (a706693)
- camera: finish remove currentCamera feature (05f0b87)
- camera: pass ee engine state->arcball cameraController (f4d3046)
- camera: use camera component instead of basicCameraView and perspectiveCamera (2d28e00)
- cameraGroup: finish mainEditorPerspectiveCamera feature and test (1affa54)
- cameraView: add cameraview redo/undo (15949b4)
- color: select color show color pick such as unity (67d972a)
- colorPick: import colorPick ui component, and finish test (eb5eeab)
- component: add addableComponent list to add component (4a5e89c)
- component: add addableComponentBox and add component in gameObject (468d6a3)
- component: add inspectorComponentTypeMap store gameObject's components (0338039)
- component: finish add component feature (337454d)
- component: finish remove component feature (a293dba)
- component: fix "add component"->init gameObject: now with diff (e513341)
- component: remove BoxGeometry; rename CustomGeometry to Geometry; (dc6acad)
- css: extract public/css (c941329)
- emptyGameObject: add empty gameObject (aea09ee)
- engine: add ScreenEngineService->setScreenSize (c777ea4)
- engine: fix engine bug; arcballCameraController not bind event when init, initGameObject (c0e2258)
- engine: update version (e17ffd0)
- engine: update wonder.js (ec493ae)
- engine: update wonder.js version (bfbebf6)
- engine: upgrade to 1.0.0-alpha.23 (7f41102)
- engine: use GameObjectAPI->getAllXXXComponents api (edaf617)
- event: add change currentCamera arcballCameraContollerEvent (9e22eec)
- event: add mouse event into ee and re canvas;remove engine->initEventJob (e78b1e1)
- event: fix MainUtils->set unsafeGetStateFunc and setStateFunc for event: if is run, not loopBody (41f7567)
- event: if is stop, ee should loopBody but re not (1fd5fd6)
- imgui: change imguiFunc to pure func (0f6f64b)
- imgui: each direction light gameObject show one imgui (2855f8f)
- imgui: fix coordinate bug (ddd7005)
- imgui: fix direction light imgui->image x,y (7438d7f)
- imgui: fix imgui->image control->size bug (4e7851e)
- imgui: fix setIMGUIFunc: now get canvas in func (468ee81)
- imgui: not serialize/deserialize customData (872bcdf)
- imgui: refactor MainUtils->setIMGUIFunc (39ea458)
- IMGUI: add draw directionLight icon (ab97d88)
- light: add directionLight change color and change intensity, add those test (0db1676)
- light: add MainEditorLightMaterial (0e6db9f)
- light: add point light feature and test (00e0119)
- light: finish all point light components (308af0a)
- lightMaterial: add light material color, map, shininess feature (594020b)
- lightMaterial: fix change color (5c266b2)
- lightMaterial: fix: add direction light component that should re-init all light material components in the scene (e1c51ae)
- lightMaterial: fix: dispose gameObject which has light component should re-init all light material components in the scene (fb5e9c6)
- lightMaterial: use lightMaterial instead of basicMaterial (d169f3d)
- meshRenderer: add meshRenderer drawMode feature and test (b485890)
- redo/undo: add select gameObject redo/undo check (47ef550)
- rename: stringInput component add isNull field (25e62c0)
- renderGroup: add renderGroup add and show (77974f5)
- scale: add transform -> scale (ddf4994)
- scene: use engine sceneGameObject instead of editorState (5f64e16)
- state: rewrite stateLogicService->getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff (ad2d878)
- texture: add handleBoxGeometryAddMap and handleCustomGeometryAddMap function (8c1a76b)
- texture: add texture into MainEditorBasicMaterial (8472a78)
- texture: add textureMapData retainedProps in MainEditorInspector (94c00b0)
- texture: change texture name in nodeMap and engineState (1f58fb8)
- texture: finish add texture and set texture is null redo/undo (4fd2a50)
- texture: finish add texture into material (5ade75d)
- texture: finish convert image to texture (84eb435)
- texture: finish MainEditorBasicMaterial texture component drag event (f7bd9fc)
- texture: finish textureInspector show texture props (f460ea1)
- texture: use getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff instead of getAndRefreshEngineState (03e35a5)
- transform: add localEulerAngles, eulerAngles api (6b5beb5)
- update: refactor all shouldUpdate and dispatchFunc (583f9e8)
- viewport: set canvas vie...
upload Texture; set gameObject map; set color
Bug Fixes
- gameObject: fix bug:add deep dispose gameObject (ce2461b)
- colorPick: import colorPick ui component, and finish test (eb5eeab)
- redo/undo: add select gameObject redo/undo check (47ef550)
- rename: stringInput component add isNull field (25e62c0)
- state: rewrite stateLogicService->getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff (ad2d878)
- texture: add handleBoxGeometryAddMap and handleCustomGeometryAddMap function (8c1a76b)
- texture: add texture into MainEditorBasicMaterial (8472a78)
- texture: add textureMapData retainedProps in MainEditorInspector (94c00b0)
- extract assetState, redo/undo don't use it (ece1ae5)
- texture: change texture name in nodeMap and engineState (1f58fb8)
- texture: finish add texture and set texture is null redo/undo (4fd2a50)
- texture: finish add texture into material (5ade75d)
- texture: finish convert image to texture (84eb435)
- texture: finish MainEditorBasicMaterial texture component drag event (f7bd9fc)
- texture: finish textureInspector show texture props (f460ea1)
- texture: use getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff instead of getAndRefreshEngineState (03e35a5)
finish Asset component
- asset: add assetTree and finish two tree drag event (0e1576a)
- asset: add drag event check div (def6454)
- asset: finish add file into assetTree and fileMap (84d6e20)
- asset: finish addFolder feature (7806e37)
- asset: finish all drag event relation handle (a0bf9c0)
- asset: finish assetType and record operate (9e9bd27)
- asset: finish drag folder and remove folder (0d99cb9)
- asset: finish fileInspector rename (f5006f8)
- asset: finish move file to folder (898ff07)
- asset: finish readFile and deal with it (05f5121)
- asset: finish remove asset node form nodeMap (05c7650)
- asset: finish remove file (60923ee)
- asset: finish showImg in the specific folder (fad6708)
- asset: finish upload json file (90a778a)
- asset: show folder in file content (3c80474)
- engine: upgrade engine to v1.0.0-alpha.18.3 version (252bc00)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.18.5 (eb628f2)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.19 (d1006af)
- redo-undo: optimize redo: not deep copy current state (5463e2e)
finish Controller run and stop
Bug Fixes
- fix "dispose gameObject cause order wrong(scene tree)" bug (8cecb32)
- need to fix some bug (bb1e406)
- engine: update engine version (7ad68ee)
- redo/undo: fix bug: change material color and change transform, exec undo throw error (e6376cd)
- controller: add run and stop check (b163183)
- controller: can't remove last camera (d3f6a13)
- controller: finish controller stack redo undo (3f08b1c)
- controller: finish run and stop undo/redo stack manager (cd7489f)
- controller: finish two engine state init default scene (ec7e6f8)
- engine: update version (bcd54a3)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0-alpha.17.1; update wonder-commonlib to 0.2.20 (4f1245f)
- finish stop function cancelAnimationFrame (c0e6494)
- run/stop: add getAndRefreshEngineState function (a7d29a3)
- run/stop: add two engineState and two canvas (26c8c41)
- run/stop: finish two engineState (57b663c)
finish extract service SOA
- addComponent: finish add component by current GameObject is exist component by json data (9e7b221)
- addComponent: finish add sourceInstance component (6a399bd)
- addMaterial: add material ui component (0976a40)
- addMaterial: set current gameObject material color (73bf6e0)
- service: extract basicMaterial engineState logicService and commonService (297e972)
- service: extract editorStateData (c24d87c)
- service: extract EditorStateLogicService and EditorStateCommonService and EditorStateFacade (499a5d2)
- service: extract floatService and rename uiState to store (f3a91aa)
- service: extract GameObjectComposite and GameObjectLogicSingleService (66ca7a2)
- service: extract GameObjectService and currentGameObjectService (e2cccfa)
- service: extract GameObjectUtils and SceneTreeUtils (679dbf4)
- service: extract HistoryLogicService and allStateData (ae8cda7)
- service: extract historyLogicService and finish TODO (f7e9a7b)
- service: extract logicComposite service and singleService and facade (f25d348)
- service: extract primitive/sceneService and CurrentGameObjectService (9b41c40)
- service: extract state stateTuple record primitive atom service (3071e3c)
- service: extract ui inspector and scenetree (2580790)
- service: remove AppExtensionView and extract AppExtensionUtils (3f385c4)
- service: remove and add service in cz.config (401dd42)
finish addGameObject and addComponent feature
finish redo/undo feature
- main: use statelessComponentWithRetainedProps instead of statelessComponent (b8fcda1)
- redo/undo: extract allStateData manage uiState,editorState,engineState (e4ec871)
- redo/undo: extract markRedoUndoChangeXXX module (6ed0898)
- redo/undo: finish redo/undo structure (145e771)
- redo/undo: import most.js (baa9cb0)
- redo/undo: use allStateData.history instead of markRedoUndoStack (bce3282)
Bug Fixes
- defaultScene: now have three gameObject but test is 2 (4b76f72)
- change "DreamForeast" to "Wonder-Technology" (ef1769e)
- mainView: loop method set editor every frame (a3d180a)
- scene-tree: add drag end event to treeNode (cf8dd07)
- scene-tree: forget add onDragEnd to (585bfd0)
- scenetree: the move ui component method make the recursion (f7031e8)
- sceneTree: insert to target treeNode is error (78b58bc)
- sceneTree: use makeStringToNumber instead of int_of_string (3cdc021)
- sceneTree: finish sceneTree ui component
- sceneTree: finish sceneTree drag treeNode and set parent
- inspector: finish set and get currentGameObject
- inspector: finish show currentGameObject component by json
- log: finish use wonder-log instead of Js.log and Exception throwMessage
- config: add .cz-config.js (5e17463)
- disposeGameObject: add disposeGameObject method in adaptor and operator (96f1ddd)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.12 (22e8f2d)
- gameObject: finish get/set current gameObject (4af7f7c)
- inspector: add build current gameObject component by json data (7abfc83)
- inspector: extract buildGameObjectComponent method by json data (35959c1)
- inspector: import wonder.js setParentKeepOrder (2284069)
- scene-tree: extract utils/ and external/ (b2f16b6)
- scenetree: add check objects associate is right (78b2eab)
- sceneTree: add clearGameObjectChildren method and test (98ef995)