Test pre-release
A test pre-release to verify release-building Action.
What's Changed
- [SHITHRI] Fixes to re-naming with prefix
- [SHITHRI] Brynnlaw voiceover, part 1 and 2a
- [SHITHRI] drink quest
- [SHITHRI] fix: drink quest reward
- [SHITHRI] Shithri drink quest: liqie icons
- [SHITHRI] More interjections
- [SHITHRI] Script improvements
- [SHITHRI] Brynnlaw voiceover part 2b
- [SHITHRI] refactoring: factor out Shithri component
- [SHITHRI] Brynnlaw voiceover 2c
- [SHITHRI] factor out Shithri componentRefactor dirs
- [GENERAL] .tra-completeness check
- [GENERAL] .tra-completeness check --- fix: pythonpath
- [SHITHRI] Shithri's drink/bottle item
- [GENERAL] refactor .tra-completeness
- [SHITHRI] Quest reward: balancing
Full Changelog: https://github.com/WitchesOfThePlanes/CompassOfWomanhood/commits/test-000