created | modified | title | tags |
2022-06-16 00:10:36 +0200 |
2022-12-19 14:23:26 +0100 |
The word *Bączek* |
journal, meta |
My last name, Bączek, has multiple meanings. Here I've collected my favourites:
- Spinning top (the toy that spins)
- Spins, barrel rolls and other similar aerial maneuvers (in Polish we call that kręcić bączki, which roughly translates to spin a bączek)
- Fart (which leads to many funny/cringey) situations as people often call me by my surname rather than my name
And the winner goes to:
A diminutive form of the word Bąk (Bumblebee)
Here's a collection of hand-picked Bączek pictures, following this interpretation:
{{image (src="/bumblebees/rabbit.jpg" title="Rabbit bumblebee from @Łukasz" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/pug.jpg" title="Pug bumblebee from @Amanda. The pug is a rolling joke at SatRev, but that's a story for another time :)" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/amanda_idk.jpeg" title="Another one from @Amanda" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/maja_drawing.jpg" title="A drawing done by me or some of my friends long time ago, backed up by @Maja (thanks a lot!)" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/olek.jpg" title="This monstrosity, from @Olek" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/christmas.jpg" title="Christmas Bączek, thank you @Roksana!" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/beer.jpg" title=",,What's better than a bumblebee? Two bumblebees!'' - poster from a polish beverage Łomża." small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/lifesaver_book.jpg" title="Bumblebee Lifesaver - from a book by Anna Gil" small=true) }}
{{image (src="/bumblebees/beeal.jpg" title="Thanks @Adam!" small=true) }}