Changelog v1.2.10
Advancement.grant(@s, only, story/enter_the_end, namespace=minecraft)
- @bdke
Advancement.revoke(@s, only, story/enter_the_end, namespace=minecraft)
- @bdke
- Add
and =
operator for supporting execute store
$currentAmmo = data get entity @s SelectedItem.tag.ammo;
$currentAmmo ?= data get entity @s SelectedItem.tag.ammo;
- Fix
execute ... run execute if ...
causing index error
- Fix GUI items not getting killed
- Fix new not accepting array(
) in JSON
new item_modifiers(jfr_wins) [
"function": "minecraft:set_nbt",
"tag": "{display:{Name:'{\"text\":\"Multiplayer wins\",\"color\":\"gold\",\"italic\":false}',Lore:['{\"scores\":{\"name\":\"@s\",\"objective\":\"jfrWins\"}}']}}"
- Update API
- Delay deletion of old namespace until compilation is finished
- Add missing worldgen json file types for newer minecraft version - @AmericanBagel