Musical Adaptation of WWV Time Station. I used PowerShell, FL Studio, and FFMPEG to stream this to YouTube.
The base key is based on 60 Hz: very close to B-half-flat. The entire composition is generated by arranging the .wav
tracks and arranging them in a way that communicates the UTC hour and minute in multiple creative ways.
Various orchestral tracks that play on selected minutes, such that no consecutive pair of tracks appear within the same hour.
— exclusively on minute 59; has a longer coda to indicate the start of a new hour.
— minutes 01, 10, 24, 28, 37, 40, 48.
— minutes 09, 13, 21, 31, 46, 53, 57.
— minutes 14, 18, 23, 29, 56.
— minutes 04, 11, 16, 30, 34, 42, 47, 55.
— minutes 07, 17, 20, 33, 38, 58.
— minutes 12, 22, 27, 41, 44, 51.
— minutes 02, 06, 15, 36, 43, 52.
— minutes 00, 03, 08, 26, 32, 35, 49.
— minutes 05, 19, 25, 39, 45, 50, 54.
Pluck track on the 5th/6th octaves that represent each digit of the minute in binary; the difference in octave determines the binary represenation of that respective digit, with 1 corresponding with the higher octave. Patterns representing the tens decimal minute digit are placed in minute_X0.wav
, whilst the units digit track loops every ten minutes in cycle_s600.wav
:00.5, :10.5, :25.5, :35.5
— 80s minute digit (always zero)
:01.0, :11.0, :26.0, :36.0
— 40s minute digit
:02.0, :12.0, :27.0, :37.0
— 20s minute digit
:03.0, :13.0, :28.0, :38.0
— 10s minute digit
:05.0, :15.0, :30.0, :40.0
— 08s minute digit
:06.0, :16.0, :31.0, :41.0
— 04s minute digit
:07.0, :17.0, :32.0, :42.0
— 02s minute digit
:08.0, :18.0, :33.0, :43.0
— 01s minute digit
Consistent tick loop that repeats every minute! Ticks for seconds 29 and 59 are omitted. Ticks are added at seconds 14.5, 45⅓, 46⅓.
Synth tracks on the 4th octave that represent each digit of the hour in binary. The major 1st and 3rd represent 0 and 1, respectively. The major 5th serves as a placeholder, and therefore does not store any data.
:00 - :04
— N/A
:05 - :09
— 80s hour digit (always zero)
:10 - :14
— 40s hour digit (always zero)
:15 - :19
— 20s hour digit
:20 - :24
— 10s hour digit
:25 - :29
— N/A
:30 - :34
— 08s hour digit
:35 - :39
— 04s hour digit
:40 - :44
— 02s hour digit
:45 - :49
— 01s hour digit
:50 - :54
— N/A
:55 - :59
— N/A