Administration tool to manage all the security settings for ASP.NET Identity application. Inspired by ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool.
- Angular Material layout
- Role list page
- Search by role name
- Role create page
- Role edit page
- User list page
- Search by email
- User edit page
- User detail page
- User login page with Angular Material
- User register page with Angular Material
- Dashboard
- Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio Code (optional)
- SQL Server (optional)
- ASP.NET Core
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
Create ASP.NET Core application with Angular template
- Project name:
- Location:
- Solution name:
- Authentication:
Individual User Accounts
- Project name:
Optional: close the Visual Studio and rename IdentityAdmin folder to src for Git repository
Start debugger (F5) in Visual Studio
λ ng add @angular/material
? Choose a prebuilt theme name...: Indigo/Pink
? Set up global Angular Material typography styles? Yes
? Set up browser animations for Angular Material? Yes
λ npm i @angular/flex-layout@8.0.0-beta.27 --save
Note: as of today, the latest flex-layout@9.0.0-beta.x
is not compitable with Angular 8 so we need to explicitly set the version.
ng g m angular-material --flat
ng g m shared/shared --flat
ng g c shared/sidebar --skip-import
ng g c shared/header --skip-import
ng g c shared/footer --skip-import
ng g m users/user --flat
ng g s users/user --flat
ng g c users/user-list --flat --skip-import
ng g c users/user-detail --flat --skip-import
ng g c users/user-edit --flat --skip-import
ng g m roles/role --flat
ng g s roles/role --flat
ng g c roles/role-list --flat --skip-import
ng g c roles/role-detail --flat --skip-import
ng g c roles/role-edit --flat --skip-import
ng g m core
ng g m core/alert
ng g s core/alert/alert
ng g m core/modal
ng g s core/modal/modal
ng g c core/modal
- If you use SQL server insidead of local database, create a database (e.g.
) and update the connection string insideappsettings.json
. - Inside package manager console, run
PM> Update-Database