DerpibooruDownloadR intro: here is a node client that you can use it download pictures from derpibooru. this downloader used cors anwhere, you can check it herre version of history v24.03.29 you can update folder with name of artist, for example: [artist:sample (X)] [sample(√)] for using update folder, you have to add ARTIST NAME folder fist, then add other subfolders plus, your file name must be start with picture id, and has one "_" bhind it changed single page download 50 pictures changed main site to trixiebooru if single file has more than 3 artist, it will skip v23.09.26 now you can only double click start.bat file to start project v23.09.20.01 used node.js rebuilt project, and now you can use CMD to start service v23.07.18.02 added: record all failed Image-Object to json file download to local disk. v23.07.18.01 you can use add to list download for artist. notice that you must input at least one artist; use tags download, once you input and every single artist will including them. the default filter is "Everything". use 1. Install node.js (suggest v16). if you dont have node.js, here is node.js download link(dev version): 2. double click "start.bat". 3. read TIPS in CMD window to do next operate