It is recommended to start julia with multiple threads, since many concurrent tasks will be executing.
julia --project --threads=auto
(VehicleSim) pkg> instantiate
(VehicleSim) pkg> add
(VehicleSim) pkg> add
julia> using VehicleSim
julia> s = server();
[ Info: Server can be connected to at and port 4444
[ Info: Server visualizer can be connected to at
This will spin up the server / simulation engine. For now, the server will instantiate a single vehicle.
julia> using Sockets # to allow ip strings
julia> keyboard_client(ip"") # ip address specified by @info statement when starting server
[ Info: Client accepted.
[ Info: Client follow-cam can be connected to at
[ Info: Press 'q' at any time to terminate vehicle.
julia> shutdown!(s)
The file example_project.jl outlines a recommended architecture for ingesting sensor messages and creating vehicle commands.