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A CLI tool to generate a strictly-typed i18n object literal written in TypeScript from JSON files.


npm install -D gen-i18n-ts


yarn add -d gen-i18n-ts

Why gen-i18n-ts

The leading feature of gen-i18n-ts is to provide a strictly-typed internationalization object literal written in TypeScript. The generated object literal is friendly with auto-completion in your text editor.

How it works

  1. run gen-i18n-ts command.
gen-i18n-ts -i inputDir -o outputFile -d defaultLang

See Usage of gen-i18n-ts command section for more details.

  1. import the generated file to your TypeScript modules.
import { i18n, changeLanguageByCode } from 'path/to/generated/i18n';;
// use i18n object as you like
// before you call changeLanguageByCode(), the language is set to the default one

// call changeLanguageByCode() when you wanna change the language;
// here foo() is japanized

Usage of gen-i18n-ts command

gen-i18n-ts takes three required argments: inputDir, outputFile and defaultLang.

The following description takes readme-sample for example. Here is a command for the sample (inputDir=i18n-json, outputFile=i18n.ts, defaultLang=en):

gen-i18n-ts -i i18n-json -o i18n.ts -d en

Input (inputDir)

inputDir is the path to the directory which contains JSON files for internationalization. The input directory should be like

  • the input directory is expected to contain only JSON files. Sub-directories or non-JSON files are ignored.
  • a JSON file should be named as langage.json. langage does NOT HAVE TO be a ISO 639 code

A JSON file in the directory (en.json, ja.json in this case) is expected to contain messages in each language. It should be like


  "okButtonName": "Done",
  "welcome": "Hi, ${userName}",
  "pages": {
    "user": "${userName}'s page",
    "help": "Help",
    "contact": "Contact"


  "okButtonName": "完了",
  "welcome": "こんにちは、${userName}さん",
  "pages": {
    "user": "${userName}さんのページ",
    "help": "ヘルプ",
    "contact": "お問い合わせ"
  • JSONs in files are expected to have the "same" structure. If JSONs have different structures, that of the default language have priority (see also default language section)
    • if a key is in the default language but not in a non-default language, the key-value pair in the default one will be added to the non-default one (see also lacked-key-sample)
    • if a key is in a non-default language but not in the default language, the key-value pair in the non-default one will be ignored (see also excess-key-sample)
  • ${variableName} represents a parameter name of the function in the output (see also Output section)
    • If the same function takes different parameters in different languages, they are merged. The function in the output takes all of the parameters

BNF of a JSON String for Internationalization

object   ::= { key: object } | { key: value }
key      ::= string
value    ::= string | value variable value
variable ::= ${ [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* }

Definition of "Same" Structure

If set of keys in two objects has the same, they are considered to have same structure.
The order of the keys are not cared.

Output (outputFile)

outputFile is the path to the TypeScript file for internationalization. The file exportsi18n and changeLanguageByCode.


The object to access messages in the current language. It is like

export const i18n = {
  okButtonName: function(): string {
    return ...
  welcome: function(userName: string): string {
    return ...
  pages: {
    user: function(userName: string): string {
      return ...
    help: function(): string {
      return ...
    contact:  function(): string {
      return ...

Note that even if a string in the input has no ${variableName}, the output will be a zero-argument FUNCTION, NOT a STRING


The function to change the current language. It returns true if lang is valid and false otherwise. It is like

let currentLang = en; // default language object

export function changeLanguageByCode(lang: string): boolean {
  switch (lang) {
    case 'en':
      currentLang = en;
      return true;
    case 'ja':
      currentLang = ja;
      return true;
  return false

Default language (defaultLang)

defaultLang is a string which represents the language used by default.

  • it must be one of the names of the JSON files (w/o extension .json) in the input directory (if not, gen-i18n-ts throws an error).
  • it is used to define the priority of the input files
  • it is used as a initial value of the variable currentLang in the output file.