Welcome to Wi-Fi Labs' Pokémon RNG guides repository!
This is meant to be a place for documenting as many and as varied as possible RNG guides for all the Pokémon mainline games in Gens 3-9, including GCN games, as a project originally started by SexyMalasada.
The focus of the guides will be on RNG done on emulators with assisted tools, though most of it is also applicable and 'transferrable' to Retail RNG.
So without further ado let's dig in:
- All the Pokémon RNG researchers over the years for all of their RNG research, like Kaphotics, Lusamine, Admiral_Fish, SciresM, Lincoln-LM, Bambo-Rambo & Real96 just to name a few!
- Admiral_Fish, bumba, and EzPzStreamz for the research and for their great cross-gen RNG app PokeFinder
- Bambo-Rambo for their amazing Gen6 RNG app TinyFinder & Gen6 RNG guides
- wwwwwwzx for their quintessential 3DS RNG app 3DSRNGTool
- Admiral_Fish, mingot, Slashmolder, and OmegaDonut for the oldie but still relevant Gen 3-5 RNG tool RNGReporter
- Real96 for all of his amazing lua scripts for Gens 3-5 and willingness to help me whenever I had Lua questions or issues
- Zak for his amazing new RNG assistant overlay PokeReader & Admiral_Fish for his Citra specific RNG assistant tool CitraRNG
- BizHawk, Citra, Lime3DS, DeSmuMe, melonDS, VBA-ReRecording, mGBA & Dolphin Lua-Core devs
- DevonStudios for their current and older RNG guides, as well as PokémonRNG, Reddit & Smogon RNG communities & guides
- LegoFigure11 for their countless misc Pokémon tools, Gen 3-5 RNG teachings, GH and misc tech teachings (and having the patience that came with it!), pushing me to make my own guides and eventually start this project & for being a great friend overall!
- Billo for pushing me to make my own guides and eventually starting this project as well & also for being a great friend overall!