The following PKGBUILD
can be used to build and install the package locally. Simply copy the PKGBUILD
source to an empty directory on your system and install the package and all it's dependencies using makepkg -si
pkgdesc="An alternative share picker for hyprland with window and monitor previews"
depends=('gtk4' 'gtk4-layer-shell' 'xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland' 'hyprland')
'slurp: default tool for selecting share regions'
pkgver() {
cd "$pkgname"
git describe --long --abbrev=7 --tags | sed -E 's/^[^0-9]*//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
prepare() {
cd "$pkgname"
git submodule init
git config submodule.subprojects/lib.url "$srcdir/lib"
git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update
export RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=nightly
cargo fetch --locked --target "$(rustc -vV | sed -n 's/host: //p')"
build() {
cd "$pkgname"
export RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=nightly
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=target
cargo build --frozen --release
./target/release/hyprland-preview-share-picker schema > schema.json
package() {
cd "$pkgname"
install -Dm0755 -T "target/release/hyprland-preview-share-picker" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/hyprland-preview-share-picker"
install -dm0755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/hyprland-preview-share-picker"
install -Dm0644 "schema.json" "$pkgdir/usr/share/hyprland-preview-share-picker"
The following dependencies are needed:
- gtk4
- gtk4-layer-shell
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland (xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git)
- hyprland (hyprland-git)
Depending on your distribution the names may differ, the above names are for the Arch and AUR packages
The project is built using the rust nightly toolchain, make sure you're using it for this build.
# clone the repository with it's submodules
git clone --recursive
cd ./hyprland-preview-share-picker
# build the optimized release binary
cargo build --release
The built binary is now available in the target/release/hyprland-preview-share-picker
directory. If you want to install it directly using
cargo you can use the following command. However, make sure the cargo binary directory is added to your path:
# install the package into your cargo binary directory
cargo install --path .
Once installed, you need to change the xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland screencopy configuration to use the hyprland-preview-share-picker
binary as picker:
# ~/.config/hypr/xdph.conf
screencopy {
custom_picker_binary = hyprland-preview-share-picker
After changing the config the portal needs to be restarted.
The default configuration path is $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/hyprland-preview-share-picker/config.yaml
with a fallback to ~/.config/hyprland-preview-share-picker/config.yaml
The configuration path can be overwritten using the -c/--config
cli argument.
Below is a configuration file with all fields and their default values:
# paths to stylesheets on the filesystem which should be applied to the application
# relative paths are resolved relative to the location of the config file
stylesheets: []
# default page selected when the picker is opened
default_page: windows
# height of the application window
height: 500
# width of the application window
width: 1000
# size to which the images should be internally resized to reduce the memory footprint
resize_size: 200
# target size of the longer side of the image widget
widget_size: 150
# css classname of the window
window: window
# css classname of the card containing an image and a label
image_card: card
# css classname of the card containing an image and a label when the image is still being loaded
image_card_loading: card-loading
# css classname of the image inside the card
image: image
# css classname of the label inside the card
image_label: image-label
# css classname of the notebook containing all pages
notebook: notebook
# css classname of a label of the notebook
tab_label: tab-label
# css classname of a notebook page (e.g. windows container)
notebook_page: page
# css classname of the region selection button
region_button: region-button
# css classname of the button containing the session restore checkbox and label
restore_button: restore-button
# minimum amount of image cards per row on the windows page
min_per_row: 3
# maximum amount of image cards per row on the windows page
max_per_row: 999
# number of clicks needed to select a window
clicks: 2
# minimum amount of image cards per row on the outputs page
min_per_row: 2
# maximum amount of image cards per row on the outputs page
max_per_row: 2
# number of clicks needed to select an output
clicks: 2
# command to run for region selection
# the output needs to be in the <output>@<x>,<y>,<w>,<h> (e.g. DP-3@2789,436,756,576) format
command: slurp -f '%o@%x,%y,%w,%h'
# hide the token restore checkbox and use the default value instead
hide_token_restore: false
# enable debug logs by default
debug: false
Schema for config file
A JSON schema for the configuration file can be generated using the schema
For editor support you need to configure your YAML language server to apply this schema to the config file.
The widgets use their default gtk style out of the box. Using the stylesheets
config field an array of paths to CSS/SCSS stylesheets
can be provided which then are applied to the application.
It's possible to override most of the CSS classnames of the widgets used with the classes
config field.
If you prefer to have a frontend in the ui toolkit of your choice or you dislike the layout of this frontend, it should be pretty straightforward to
create your own frontend in rust. All of the toolkit independent logic (mostly wayland logic) is located in the lib
subproject. By adding this as git dependency
to your project, most of the application logic should be taken care of.