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Releases: WhyAreAllTheseTaken/rpgonline
Releases · WhyAreAllTheseTaken/rpgonline
0.9.0 Snapshot 1
0.9.0 is finalised enough to be usable but some features are still incomplete/buggy.
The API is subject to change throughout this version.
Major Changes
- Slick2D is no longer used in the majority of the engine.
- All rendering is now handled through the renderer.
- Most core features are now custom built.
- A game class is now used instead of slick classes.
- Rendering is handled abstractly and so can (in theory) be implemented for other rendering libraries.
- LWJGL2Renderer is currently the main renderer.
- Renderer are implemented using inheritance.
- Input is now handled through the same API as rendering as most input polling is controlled by the renderer.
- Do not use the Keyboard or Mouse APIs from LWJGL for input as this can cause portability issues. Instead use the ones provided by the Game and Input classes
- The lighting engine can now be set using an enum
- Rewrote transitions
- Game containers are now integrated into the game.
- States are now handled by RPGOnline
- Renderer can now do anything that was required of Slick2D by the old engine.
- A new image class is now used.
- Renderer now has version information.
- Reimplemented cutscenes using the renderer.
- Sky now uses renderer.
- Rewritten shaders
- Structs can now be used with shaders.
- Added fade transitions
- Added HDR
- Added better, more-efficient shader-based lighting
- Added antialiasing
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Fixed issue where error logs would not show for linking shaders
- Post processing in GUIs is a bit better
- FBOs are now used instead of pbuffers
- Less crashes now happen in the GUI system.
- Tiles are not clipped immediately if they span more than one tile.
- Wind textures have very little performance impact.
- Texture binding is now more efficient.
Misc Changes
- Debug screen is now more customisable.
- World state is now more modular.
- FPS is now computed to 7 decimal places.
- Graphics does not require a specific renderer unless the renderer implementor chooses to write their own.
- Default font changes
- Removed text color
- Removed controller support until it can be replaced.
- Removed snap to pixel
- Replaced MDR with HDR
- Deprecated buffer-based lighting.
- Slick shader was been mostly replaced.
Release 0.8.0
Major Changes
- Moved the root package of the library.
- Server and Client have been replaced by Client2D and Server2D to allow for more types of games to use the networking features.
- Added a GUI system.
- Added proper mouse support.
- Moved most 2D APIs to the world API
- Added a renderer package to allow for interface-based rendering.
- A renderer must be set at startup before the game is started.
- Encryption is still broken but will probably not be fixed in 0.8.0
- ABT is now part of its own repository. You can find this at:
- The package layout has changed for the world2d library.
- Added encyption to BasicPacketConnection
- Added MDR (Medium Dynamic Range) effects to allow for better colour in low light and for a better bloom effect.
- Added noise that wraps around a sphere or cylinder without using interpolation.
- Added multithreading package.
- Added pathfinding package.
- Added the ability to set a tile state without setting the tile.
- Added layouts.
- Added text input components.
- Added layers.
- Added themes.
- Added a default theme.
- Added a slick Renderer.
- Added an experimental GL11 Renderer in addition to the Slick Renderer.
- Added F3 to toggle the debug menu.
- Added F4 to toggle the hitbox display.
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Improved controller support
- Fixed bugs with lighting.
- Fixed issue where shader initialisation would not allow for uniforms to be changed.
- Audio effects have been slightly improved in their reliability.
- Lighting should now be less buggy.
- Improved collision detection.
- World State is now more modular.
- Bullet state now used the new GUI system.
- Encryption continues to be broken. I got it to send data at the cost of data corruption.
- Changed behaviour of Entity.reloadID() to cause less issues.
- Some optimisations were made to world loading.
- Pathfinding is now multithreaded.
- Optimised the world state to use renderer.
- Chunk data now uses ABT instead of serialisation.
Misc Changes
- Improved Server Info API
- The default value for an entity variable is now 0 instead of NaN.
- The heat effect now has it's own interface.
- The debug screen now has even more information.
- Collisions are now counted on the debug screen.
- Main thread updates are now counted separately to frame renders in the debugger.
- Moved tile to the world package.
- The GUI system now used renderer graphics instead of slick graphics.
- The world state is now more modular.
- Improved some documentation.
- The documentation is now included with the provided files.
- Removed atmosphere library and other deprecated code.
- Replaced the old GUI system.
- Removed the post-processing packs.
- Deprecated TextColor
0.8.0 Snapshot 8
Github Release Ordering seems to be broken 0.8.0-rc0 is the update after this.
This should be the final snapshot before moving into release candidates.
Major Changes
- ABT is now part of its own repository. You can find this at:
- The package layout has changed for the world2d library.
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Encryption continues to be broken. I got it to send data at the cost of data corruption.
- Chunk data now uses ABT instead of serialisation.
Misc Changes
- The documentation is now included with the provided files.
0.8.0 Release Candidate 0
This should be the only release candidate.
Major Changes
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Encryption is still broken but will probably not be fixed in 0.8.0
Misc Changes
- Deprecated TextColor
0.8.0 Snapshot 7
Major Changes
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
Misc Changes
- Improved some documentation.
- Removed the post-processing packs.
0.8.0 Snapshot 6
Major Changes
- Moved most 2D APIs to the world API
- Added a renderer package to allow for interface-based rendering.
- A renderer must be set at startup before the game is started.
- Added a slick Renderer.
- Added an experimental GL11 Renderer in addition to the Slick Renderer.
- Added F3 to toggle the debug menu.
- Added F4 to toggle the hitbox display.
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- World State is now more modular.
- Bullet state now used the new GUI system.
- Optimised the world state to use renderer.
Misc Changes
- The GUI system now used renderer graphics instead of slick graphics.
- The world state is now more modular.
0.8.0 Snapshot 5
Major Changes
- Added a GUI system.
- Added proper mouse support.
- Added the ability to set a tile state without setting the tile.
- Added layouts.
- Added text input components.
- Added layers.
- Added themes.
- Added a default theme.
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Improved collision detection.
Misc Changes
- Moved tile to the world package.
- Replaced the old GUI system.
0.8.0 Snapshot 2
Major Changes
- Server and Client have been replaced by Client2D and Server2D to allow for more types of games to use the networking features.
- Added MDR (Medium Dynamic Range) effects to allow for better colour in low light and for a better bloom effect.
- Added noise that wraps around a sphere or cylinder without using interpolation.
- Added multithreading package.
- Added pathfinding package.
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Fixed issue where shader initialisation would not allow for uniforms to be changed.
- Audio effects have been slightly improved in their reliability.
- Lighting should now be less buggy.
- Some optimisations were made to world loading.
- Pathfinding is now multithreaded.
Misc Changes
- The default value for an entity variable is now 0 instead of NaN.
- The heat effect now has it's own interface.
- The debug screen now has even more information.
- Collisions are now counted on the debug screen.
- Main thread updates are now counted separately to frame renders in the debugger.
0.8.0 Snapshot 1
Major Changes
- Moved the root package of the library.
- Added encyption to BasicPacketConnection
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Improved controller support
- Fixed bugs with lighting.
- Changed behaviour of Entity.reloadID() to cause less issues.
Misc Changes
- Improved Server Info API
- Removed atmosphere library and other deprecated code.
Release 0.7.0
This is the first stable release since the refactor (Versions older than 0.7.0-d0 are not included in this repository).
Major Changes
- Changed to 128bit user IDs.
- Many changes were made to the ABT library.
- Added a PHP login server (example implementation).
- Light source is now an interface.
- Shadows were ugly and have now been completely removed.
- Rewrote most of the engine.
- Added debug screen.
- Added low level access to CPU information
- Many effects can now be used instead of one effect with multiple functions.
- Added built-in fullscreen switching.
- Added bloom.
- Added blur.
- Added cutscene API.
- Added bullet hell support.
- Added map editor
- Added custom hitboxes.
- Added theme shader.
- Added debugger.
- Added particles.
- Added atmosphere API
- Rewrote MultiUserServer
- Rewrote Login Servers
- Re added old APIs that did not need changing.
- Added packet types.
- Added new world type to the world API.
- Added working multiplayer.
- Added entity AI
- Re added shaders
- Re added entities
- Added ABT tag system
Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements
- Fixed some collision issues.
- Updated Audio engine.
- Some security issues should be fixed.
- Fixed entity position bug.
- Invalid tokens are now recognised.
- Sound system is now always multithreaded.
- Error handling is now in the color API.
- Improved sky rendering.
- Fixed sprite map loading.
- Fixed many texture bugs.
- Fixed music volume crashing the game.
- Fixed loading race conditions.
- Updated Audio engine.
- Optimised chunks
Misc Changes
- Documentation should be complete.
- Some annotations were changed.
- Field access changes in TextureMap
- WorldState can now be scaled.
- Some classes were deprecated.
- Shader packs are now deprecated; it is best to design your own for your game.
- Many shader effects are now deprecated.