What is BBCode? See Wikipedia
What is Micro BBCode Editor?
- Client-side JavaScript parser
- Works on most browsers (IE7+)
- Lightweight 8Kb, no jQuery needed
- Renders BBCode in real-time
- Helpful error hints on invalid input
- Specify the tags you want to support
- Has optional keyboard shortcuts
- Has optional pre-selected text range
- Easily extensible, errors can be suppressed
- Guaranteed to generate valid HTML markup
<!-- Include the library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="micro_bbcode_editor.js" defer="defer"></script>
<!-- Create an input source -->
Lorem [b]ipsum[b] dolor [i]sit[/i] amet</textarea>
<!-- Create an output preview -->
<div id="micro_bbcode_editor_preview"></div>
Outputs: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Where data-bbtags
is supported BBCode tags, data-bbpreselection
is pre-selected text index range, and data-bbshortcuts
is whether to map Ctrl+? keys for tag shortcuts. All are optional.
See a live demo: https://whitelabeldev.github.io/micro-bbcode-editor/
Licensed under MPL2 (plays nicely with both copyleft and commercial licenses)