Tool for converting Dart Analyzer output to Checkstlye and JUnit report formats.
Install tool from
flutter pub global activate analyzer_formatter
- Check your project with Dart Analyzer and write its output to a file:
flutter analyze > analyzer_report.txt
is the name of Dart Analyzer report by default. You can change it and pass your own by --analyzerReportFile
- Run tool for project folder:
flutter pub global run analyzer_formatter
Name | Description |
--analyzerReportFile |
Relative path to Analyzer report file |
--outputSuffix |
Suffix of a converted report file |
--help |
Print tool description |
--testStyle |
Convert a result to JUnit report |
Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:
$ dart analyze
If you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.
- @fartem as Artem Fomchenkov
- @dynaevdv as Denis Dunaev
- @qwertyway as Artem Demyanov
- @egrischenkov as Egor Grischenkov