Previous change logs can be found at CHANGELOG-3.5.
See code changes.
will no longer start on data dir created by newer versions (for example etcd v3.6 will not run on v3.7+ data dir). To downgrade data dir please check outetcdutl migrate
- Add command to generate shell completion.
- Add command to generate shell completion.
- Add
command for downgrading/upgrading etcd data dir files.
- Package
was moved tostorage/mvcc
- Package
was moved tostorage/backend
- Package
was moved tostorage/schema
- Package
was moved tostorage/wal
- Package
was moved tostorage/datadir
- Add
etcd --log-format
flag to support log format. - Add
etcd --experimental-max-learners
flag to allow configuration of learner max membership. - Add
etcd --experimental-enable-lease-checkpoint-persist
flag to handle upgrade from v3.5.2 clusters with this feature enabled. - Add
etcdctl make-mirror --rev
flag to support incremental mirror. - Fix non mutating requests pass through quotaKVServer when NOSPACE
- Fix exclude the same alarm type activated by multiple peers.
- Fix Provide a better liveness probe for when etcd runs as a Kubernetes pod
- Fix Lease checkpoints don't prevent to reset ttl on leader change.
- Fix assertion failed due to tx closed when recovering v3 backend from a snapshot db
- Fix A client can panic etcd by passing invalid utf-8 in the client-api-version header
- Fix etcd gateway doesn't format the endpoint of IPv6 address correctly
See List of metrics for all metrics per release.