#Molecular Dynamics Project Due November 17, 2023
##Download and test Tinker (MD package)
Go to https://dasher.wustl.edu/tinker/, scroll at the bottom of the page and find the "Tinker Resources" section. Download the Tinker Executables (i.e. NOT the source code that you would have to compile yourself) for your operating system.
For this project, you will need to use analyze, minimize and dynamic. To make sure it works properly on your system, download the files
Test.xyz, amoebabio18.prm
from https://github.com/WelbornGroup/Chem6624_MDproject -
In your terminal, create a directory with all the files you downloaded in Step 2. Run the command
~/Tinker/analyze Test.xyz -k Test.key
and enterE
when prompted (note that you may have to update the path to the Tinker executables). You should get the following result:
### ###
### Tinker --- Software Tools for Molecular Design ###
## ##
## Version 8.10.2 February 2022 ##
## ##
## Copyright (c) Jay William Ponder 1990-2022 ##
### All Rights Reserved ###
### ###
READXYZ -- Atom Labels not Sequential, Attempting to Renumber
The Tinker Energy Analysis Utility Can :
General System and Force Field Information [G]
Force Field Parameters for Interactions [P]
Total Potential Energy and its Components [E]
Energy Breakdown over Each of the Atoms [A]
List of the Large Individual Interactions [L]
Details for All Individual Interactions [D]
Electrostatic Moments and Principle Axes [M]
Internal Virial & Instantaneous Pressure [V]
Connectivity Lists for Each of the Atoms [C]
Enter the Desired Analysis Types [G,P,E,A,L,D,M,V,C] : E
READXYZ -- Atom Labels not Sequential, Attempting to Renumber
Total Potential Energy : 1219999867.9954 Kcal/mole
Energy Component Breakdown : Kcal/mole Interactions
Bond Stretching 1220009901.5748 4331
Angle Bending 1100.7150 2179
Stretch-Bend -114.3084 18
Urey-Bradley -104.0566 2160
Out-of-Plane Bend 0.5001 6
Torsional Angle 2.1514 25
Pi-Orbital Torsion 0.0289 1
Van der Waals 19017.3412 1273061
Atomic Multipoles -20239.3380 1279368
Polarization -9696.6129 1279368
This is the output of an energy calculation that was performed using the coordinates provided in Test.xyz
and the force field parameters provided in amoeababio18.prm
. Note that Test.xyz
also includes a column that specify the force field atom type (first column after the coordinates) and the list of atom index to which it is connected. Test.key
is the input file that tells the code where to find the parameters and provide additional information such as the size of the simulation box, etc. The output splits the energy into different categories, you will recognize a bond, angle, torsion term and others that we have discussed in class (as well as others that we have mentioned could exist but not discussed).
- In the same directory, run the command
~/Tinker/minimize Test.xyz -k Test.key
and enter0.1
when prompted. You should get the following result:
### ###
### Tinker --- Software Tools for Molecular Design ###
## ##
## Version 8.10.2 February 2022 ##
## ##
## Copyright (c) Jay William Ponder 1990-2022 ##
### All Rights Reserved ###
### ###
READXYZ -- Atom Labels not Sequential, Attempting to Renumber
Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] : 0.1
Limited Memory BFGS Quasi-Newton Optimization :
QN Iter F Value G RMS F Move X Move Angle FG Call Comment
0 0.1220D+10 0.3005D+07 1
100 -21654.2663 2.4635 111.2192 0.0155 62.45 138 Success
200 -24050.0954 1.2165 9.7045 0.0052 77.03 279 Success
300 -24784.7981 0.9848 5.6441 0.0052 78.74 379 Success
400 -25198.8849 0.5812 3.5862 0.0052 78.52 479 Success
500 -25422.1844 0.5102 1.5524 0.0031 76.69 579 Success
600 -25546.7526 0.4977 1.1393 0.0027 74.08 679 Success
700 -25614.6359 0.3559 0.9373 0.0052 84.46 779 Success
800 -25661.0772 0.2595 0.2473 0.0036 84.21 879 Success
900 -25699.1452 0.1710 0.2127 0.0012 78.10 979 Success
1000 -25719.5534 0.2061 0.2389 0.0021 80.28 1080 Success
1100 -25751.9037 0.2389 0.4218 0.0021 78.04 1180 Success
1200 -25770.0915 0.1503 0.1401 0.0013 80.83 1280 Success
1229 -25773.0198 0.0983 0.0908 0.0004 75.23 1309 SmallGrad
LBFGS -- Normal Termination due to SmallGrad
Final Function Value : -25773.0205
Final RMS Gradient : 0.0983
Final Gradient Norm : 7.9232
This is the output of an energy minimization performed on that same input file. You can see that the energy (under the F Value column) is minimized until you reach your convergence criterion (RMS gradient of 0.1 per atom - see the F Move column). Note that there is one additional output file from this calculation: the coordinates of the system after minimization. Tinker labels this file with the same prefix as your input file, adding a number at the end. Here, you should see the file Test.xyz_2
. However, if you run this multiple times without deleting files, it will keep numbering such that your minimized coordinates may be in Test.xyz_3,
for example.
- In the same directory, run the command
~/Tinker/dynamic Test.xyz_2 -k Test.key 200 1.0 1.0 4 300.00 1.0 > Dynamics.log
. Note that you are using the output of the energy minimization as an input for this dynamic calculation. In this command line, the numbers set the conditions for the molecular dynamic simulation:
- 200 is the total number of steps
- 1.0 is the time step in femtoseconds
- 1.0 is the time period at which you print information in picosecond
- 4 is the ensemble type specifying a NPT ensemble. A NVT ensemble will be specified by the number 2 (this is a Tinker convention)
- 300.00 is the temperature
- 1.0 is the pressure (note that you will not have this entry if you are running a NVT ensemble)
You will normally have three outputs: (i) a log file that we named Dynamics.log
in the command line, (ii) Test.dyn
that prints out the velocities in case you need to restart. You should not need to restart a simulation, but if you do, further instructions are available here https://sites.google.com/site/amoebaworkshop/exercise-1#TOC-Restarting-a-simulation and (iii) a trajectory file that prints out the frames at intervals specified in the command line. Since we chose 1 ps here and we ran 200 1fs time steps, we do not have a trajectory file. In the simulations you will run below, you will get one, named with the same prefix as your input file and with extension .arc
The Dynamics.log
file should contain the following
### ###
### Tinker --- Software Tools for Molecular Design ###
## ##
## Version 8.10.2 February 2022 ##
## ##
## Copyright (c) Jay William Ponder 1990-2022 ##
### All Rights Reserved ###
### ###
Molecular Dynamics Trajectory via Nose-Hoover NPT Algorithm
Average Values for the Last 100 Out of 100 Dynamics Steps
Simulation Time 0.1000 Picosecond
Total Energy -19892.9251 Kcal/mole (+/- 29.4041)
Potential Energy -22818.7427 Kcal/mole (+/- 487.2923)
Kinetic Energy 2925.8176 Kcal/mole (+/- 471.0430)
Temperature 151.24 Kelvin (+/- 24.35)
Pressure -713.28 Atmosphere (+/- 3920.39)
Density 0.9400 Grams/cc (+/- 0.0000)
Average Values for the Last 100 Out of 200 Dynamics Steps
Simulation Time 0.2000 Picosecond
Total Energy -19868.2029 Kcal/mole (+/- 11.7811)
Potential Energy -22589.8186 Kcal/mole (+/- 73.9033)
Kinetic Energy 2721.6157 Kcal/mole (+/- 75.7728)
Temperature 140.69 Kelvin (+/- 3.92)
Pressure -2128.22 Atmosphere (+/- 3292.82)
Density 0.9401 Grams/cc (+/- 0.0000)
- The individual frames (file with extension
) and trajectory files (with extension.arc
) can be read by the visualization software VMD (http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/) although you may have to manually set the file type as Tinker when loading a new molecule. Install VMD and make sure you can open each type of files. There is a sampleExample.arc
file in the Github directory for this purpose.
##Run your simulations
Run an energy calculation on the input file I sent you by email.
Run an energy minimization on this input file.
Run an energy calculation on the output of the energy minimization.
Run a molecular dynamics simulation using the output of the energy minimization (Step 2) as input. Follow the instructions you were given by email. This may take mutliple hours. Plan accordingly.
##Analyze your simulations NB: Be rigorous and precise. Explain your reasoning. State all the assumptions made.
Describe your system.
Your input file with extension
ends on each line with the list of atom index that a given atom is connected to. This is called the connectivity information. Why do we need connectivity information when using a force field? -
Plot the energy of your system as a function of the number of iterations performed during the energy minimization. Analyze the graph incorporating the information provided by the two energy calculations you have done.
Plot the temperature of your system as a function of time. Calculate the ensemble average of the temperature. Calculate the standard deviation of the temperature. What is the meaning of these fluctuations?
Plot the volume of your system as a function of time. Calculate the ensemble average of the volume. Calculate the standard deviation of the volume. What is the meaning of these fluctuations?
Plot the pressure of your system as a function of time. Calculate the ensemble average of the pressure. Calculate the standard deviation of the pressure. What is the meaning of these fluctuations?
Calculate the radial pair distribution function as specified in the email you received. Interpret (you may want to compare to experimental data). Note that you can calculate the radial pair distribution easily in VMD>Extensions>Analysis. See https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/plugins/gofrgui/ for instructions if needed.