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Lagopus in Calcit

tiny tool for drawing 3D shapes with WebGPU, wraps on Lagopus.ts.

Dandelions, made previously with Triadica


:lagopus.alias :refer $ object

object $ {}
  :shader demo-wgsl
  :topology :triangle-list
  :attrs-list $ []
    :: :float32x3 :position
    :: :float32x3 :color
  :data $ []
    :: :vertex (v3 0 0 0) (v3 1 0 0)
    :: :vertex (v3 100 0 0) (v3 0 1 0)
    :: :vertex (v3 0 100 0) (v3 0 0 1)
  • :shader custom shader file string
  • :topology topology symbol, :triangle-list or :line-strip
  • :attrs-list list of attributes, first value providing type, second value is a name(history reason...)
  • :data list of data, each data is a map with keys matching :attrs-list, nested list is supported
  • optional :indices list of indices, each index is a number. nested list is supported
  • :get-params, to add custom params with uniform buffer, for example fn () (js-array 1 1 1 1), notice the values should obey memory alignments

Alternatively, there's also object-writer which provides a writer API, which replaces :data:

  :writer $ fn (write!)
    write! $ []
      :: :vertex (v3 1 1 1)


Shader file expects 3 parts:

  • params(could be empty)
  • vertex_main, here you call transform_perspective to display point in 3d
  • fragment_main
// to include `lagopus-perpective.wgsl` , provide function `transform_perspective`
#import lagopus::perspective

struct Params {
  _t: f32,

@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params: Params;

// structure passing from Vertex to Fragment
struct VertexOut {
  @builtin(position) position: vec4f,

fn vertex_main(
  @location(0) position: vec3f,
  // data added from attributes put here
) -> VertexOut {
  var output: VertexOut;
  let p = transform_perspective(;
  let scale: f32 = 0.002;

  output.position = vec4( * scale, 1.0);
  return output;

fn fragment_main(vtx_out: VertexOut) -> @location(0) vec4f {
  return vec4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Builtin functions

#import lagopus::perspective

  • fn transform_perspective(p: vec3f) -> PointResult

#import lagopus::colors

  • fn hsl2rgb(hsl: vec3f) -> vec3f
  • fn hsl(h: f32, s: f32, l: f32) -> vec3f

#import lagopus::rand

  • fn rand(n: f32) -> f32
  • fn rand_balanced(n: f32) -> f32
  • fn noise(p: f32) -> f32
  • fn rand2(n: vec2<f32>) -> f32
  • fn noise2(n: vec2<f32>) -> f32

#import lagopus::simplex

  • fn simplexNoise2(v: vec2<f32>) -> f32

#import lagopus::hsluv

  • fn hsluvToRgb(tuple: vec3f) -> vec3f based on 360 and 100


lagopus.comp.curves :refer $ comp-curves comp-polylines break-mark

comp-curves $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :curves $ []
    -> (range 400)
      map $ fn (idx)
            angle $ * 0.1 idx
            r 40
            :position $ []
              * r $ cos angle
              * 0.6 idx
              * r $ sin angle
            :width 2

Another way of defining lines is comp-polylines that seperate segments with :: :breaks. It does not require "flatterned" list so is supposed to be a little performant.

note that : vertex p is a short form for :: :vertex p since Calcit 0.7.2 .

comp-polylines $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :writer $ fn $ (write!)
    write! $ []
      : vertex ([] 0 0 0) width
      : vertex ([] 100 100 0) width
      , break-mark
      : vertex ([] 0 0 10) width
      : vertex ([] 200 0 10) width
      : vertex ([] 200 20 0) width
      : vertex ([] 100 40 0) width
      : vertex ([] 100 20 200) width
      , break-mark

also if you want an extra mark for controlling colors:

comp-polylines-marked $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :writer $ fn (write!)
    write! $ []
      : vertex ([] 0 0 0) width 0
      : vertex ([] 100 100 0) width 0
      , break-mark
      : vertex ([] 0 0 10) width 2
      : vertex ([] 200 0 10) width 2
      : vertex ([] 200 20 0) width 2
      : vertex ([] 100 40 0) width 2
      : vertex ([] 100 20 200) width 2
      , break-mark
lagopus.comp.spots :refer $ comp-spots comp-bubbles

comp-spots $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :radius 6
  :vertex-count 8
  :shift 12
  :points $ -> (range 80)
    map $ fn (idx)
          r $ * idx 4
        [] r
          * r $ cos (* 0.1129 idx)
          * r $ sin (* 0.123 idx)

comp-bubbles $ {}
  :bubbles $ -> (range 600)
    map $ fn (idx)
      [] (rand-shift 0 area) (rand-shift 0 area) (rand-shift 0 area) (+ 6 $ rand 120)
laopus.comp.curves :refer $ comp-axis

comp-axis $ {} (:n 20)
  :unit 20
lagopus.comp.cube :refer $ comp-cube

comp-cube $ {}
  :position $ [] 40 0 0
  :radius 40
lagopus.comp.sphere :refer $ comp-sphere

comp-sphere $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :iteration 4
  :radius 160
lagopus.comp.plate :refer $ comp-plate

comp-plate $ {} (; :topology :line-strip)
  :iteration 20
  :radius 160
  :color $ [] 0.04 0.8 0.6
  :transformer $ fn (i)
    v+ i $ [] 0 0 -10
  ; :x-direction $ [] 1 0 0
  ; :y-direction $ [] 0 1 0
  :chromatism 0.14
lagopus.comp.button :refer $ comp-button comp-slider comp-drag-point

    :position $ [] 240 260 0
    :color $ [] 0.2 0.9 0.6 1
    :size 20
  fn (e d!)
    d! :tab :sphere

  {} $ :position ([] 0 0 0)
  fn (change on-slide)
    js/console.log "\"Slide" change

    :position $ :pos state
    :color $ [] 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0
  fn (move d!)
    d! cursor $ assoc state :pos move
lagopus.comp.stitch :refer $ comp-stitch

comp-stitch $ {}
  :chars $ [] 0xf2dfea34 0xc3c4a59d 0x88737645
  :position $ [] 0 0 0


lagopus.cursor :refer $ update-states >>

Math functions in lagopus.math

  • fibo-grid-range total create a list of points constructing Fibonacci Sphere
  • rotate-3d origin axis-0 angle p rotate point p around axis-0
  • rotate-3d origin axis-0 angle create a function to rotate point p

Gamepad Controls



Shader functions from
