This repo contains the source code for the Waziup gateway.
Complete instructions for Windows, Linux and MacOS users can be found on the website: . The instructions below are for developpers and experts.
To install the Wazigate on a Raspberry PI, download the latest raspbian and unzip it:
unzip raspbian_lite_latest
Flash it on an SD card. You need to find the SD card device ID first:
# Find the SD card device:
sudo fdisk -l
# Flash it:
sudo dd if=./<image name>.img of=/dev/<dev name> status=progress bs=4M
In the above command, replace with your image name, and with your SD card device (for example: /dev/mmcblk0). Be extra careful, as if you enter the wrong dev ID, you could overwrite your own hard disk. After that, you need to mount the SD card on you PC (if it's not already mounted somewhere), and create a file named ssh without extention on the SD card. If it has multiple partitions, just create it on anyone you are allowed to.
cd <mount path>
touch ssh
You can now extract the SD card from your PC and insert it into the Raspberry PI.
You should also connect the RPI to your PC by Ethernet cable.
SSH into the PI. Password is raspberry
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
Then download and install WaziGate with the following command on the RPI terminal:
curl -fsSL | bash
This will take a while. Time to grab a cup of tea. Once finished, the pi will be rebooted and then pulls the containers and set up everything, then reboots again. Then you can access your Wazigate UI on http://wazigate.local/ !
For developer version, you need to run the following line:
curl -fsSL | bash
This will download the code from github HEAD.
You can build the images simply by doing:
docker-compose build
You can run WaziGate like this:
docker network create wazigate
git clone
cd wazigate-edge
git clone
cd wazigate-dashboard/
npm install
npm run build
cd ../..
docker-compose up
The UI is available on localhost.