All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- This version requires UNITY 2020.2.0a15 or higher, for the UI to work (in editor)
- Bug have been reported to unity for the zero sized UI panel in 2020.1 and non working cutom UI Element in 2020.1 and 2020.2 alpha
- Simple ability UI support (this feature is highly experimental and uses the unity runtime package for UI Elements (UI Toolkit)) it does not work in builds yet (see informations).
- Updated package dependency
- License (see
- Support for cost constraint and consumtion on skill
- Support for simple target selection from skill (self or target)
- System groups to organize systems update order
BREAKING CHANGE - Rename all occurences of "Skill" to "Ability" and "Skills" to "Abilities".
- Trigger system won't do anything if it's consumer counter part won't run. This avoid creating the native stream, which in turn avoid any risk a memory leak so there is no need for the consumer to always update to do the clean up.
- Started monitoring the code coverage of the package and switched to system behavior test strategy instead of a world test strategy.
Name | Covered | Uncovered | Coverable | Total | Line coverage |
WaynGroup.Mgm.Ability | 233 | 72 | 305 | 951 | 76.3% |
WaynGroup.Mgm.Ability.Editor | 0 | 137 | 137 | 546 | 0% |
- CRAP score is currenlty wrong, it show 2 false positive CRAP method.
- Support for Min and Max range constraint on skill
- Update to com.unity.entities 0.11.0-preview.7 (no impact)
- #3 Possible memory leak
- #4 Error with JobsDebugger enabled
- #5 Trigger context entity description is a OR, should be an AND
This first realease provides a simple skill system that can be authored by Scriptable Object. For now, it allows the definition of single target skill that are subject to a cast time and cooldown time. Its allows to define any custom type of custom direct effect and comes with a Simple Skill sample that demontrate how to define a simple direct damage skill.