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File metadata and controls

107 lines (80 loc) · 4.48 KB


This project enables web-based teleoperation support for different types of robots like MiniPupper. Video streaming is implemented via WebRTC, and teleoperation is done via ROS. Note that the backend expects you've already connected a depth camera like OAK-D Lite to your robot (only Luxonis products are supported at the moment). If you don't have one yet, you can still teleoperate the robot via keyboard w/o a video stream, or just use a simulator (guide TBD).



The following diagram reflects the most recent implementation:


  • backend: Python BE, which streams camera video to the remote browser via WebRTC; it internally uses DepthAI API on real hardware, and Gazebo camera images in simulation mode;
  • frontend: ReactJS FE which uses roslibjs to communicate with ROS bridge and WebRTC API for camera streaming;
  • rosbridge: WS proxy between FE/BE and ROS that handles the following messages.
Source Pub/Sub Topic Message Type Example
FE Pub /key std_msgs/String i/I/1/,
FE Pub /robot_pose/change std_msgs/String sit/stand
FE Sub /teleop_status std_msgs/Bool true/false
FE Sub /robot_pose/is_standing std_msgs/Bool true/false
FE Sub /battery/state sensor_msgs/BatteryState
FE Sub /memory/state std_msgs/Float32 0.0-100.0
FE Sub /cpu/state std_msgs/Float32 0.0-100.0
BE Sub /camera/color/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
  • ROS Bridge should be visible to a client to perform common operations via Web UI.
  • You should provide CompressedImage to see a virtual camera stream from Gazebo in simulation mode.
  • Only BatteryState.percentage property is used for rendering for battery stats.
  • Teleoperation is impossible while is_standing or teleop_status flag is false.
  • Keyboard keys are sent in a raw format. You should implement ROS subscriber which transforms a key to cmd_vel.
  • /robot_pose/change is very robot-specific: FE just sends either a sit or stand command.


Clone the source code:

git clone && cd robo-perception

Prepare required env files:


Robot's IP is required for the FE to be able to communicate with the BE via remote browser.

Setup backend:

cd backend && python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install pip --upgrade
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup frontend:

cd ../frontend
npm install


Start ROS bridge and all the custom ROS services that implement the message protocol described in architecture section.

Start backend:

cd robo-perception/backend && source .venv/bin/activate

Start frontend:

cd robo-perception/frontend && npm start

Open your web browser and go to: http://[ROBO_PERCEPTION_SERVICE_IP_ADDRESS]:3000

Building FE and BE Docker images

Run the following command to build FE and BE images:

docker compose build


  • Polish FE and BE code
  • Add local deployment instructions
  • Add simulated environment instructions
  • Add Docker instructions
  • Migrate to ROS2
  • Add interactive map for SLAM and navigation
  • Add gamepad support