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371 lines (241 loc) · 25.2 KB


This project contains a number of scripts used to investigate the characteristics and patterns of use of Alloy Models.

The scripts are split into 3 categories: 1) Characteristics of Models, 2) Patterns of Use and 3) Analysis Complexity

Characteristics of Models

These scripts are located in src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/characteristics/multifile

These scripts are split into 4 sub-categories:

  • Length
  • Signatures
  • Constraint holders
  • Linear

All these scripts can be run using the class located under src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/characteristics.

Generating Corpus Structure Files:

Before running any script, you have to generate the corpus structure files containing a list of files that make up each model and a list of modules that are imported by other files along with their parameters.

To build the corpus structure files:

  1. Generate model-builder.jar using the following gradle command if you have gradle installed on your local machine:

    gradle builderJar

    If you don't have gradle installed, you can use gradlew:


    ./gradlew builderJar


    .\gradlew.bat builderJar

    The jar will be generated in build/libs.

  2. Create a new "corpus" directory (the name must be spelled exactly like this and in lowercase). Add the Alloy models you would like to profile do the "corpus" folder (models can be placed in subdirectories). Place the class (located in src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling), the generated model-builder.jar file (located in build/libs) and the "corpus" folder in the same directory on your local machine.

  3. Open a terminal window/command prompt/PowerShell and compile the file using the following command:

    javac -cp .\model-builder.jar

    The command will generate a ModelBuilder.class file in the same directory if executed successfully.

  4. Run the profiling script of your choice using the following command:

    java -cp .\model-builder.jar com.alloyprofiling.ModelBuilder

A Results directory should be created containing models.txt, module-params.txt, span.txt and span-multi.txt.

models.txt contains the list of files that make up each model. Each line represents a model that may or may not contain multiple files. Each line in module-params.txt contains the name of each importing file, the imported file and the parameters (if any). span.txt contains the span of each model (i.e. the number of files that make up each model). span-multi.txt contains the span of multi-file models only.

To run a script:

  1. Generate profiler-characs.jar using the following gradle command if you have gradle installed on your local machine:

    gradle characsJar

    If you don't have gradle installed, you can use gradlew:


    ./gradlew characsJar


    .\gradlew.bat characsJar

    The jar will be generated in build/libs.

  2. Place the class, the generated profiler-characs.jar file (located in build/libs) and the "corpus" folder in the same directory on your local machine.

  3. Open a terminal window/command prompt/PowerShell and compile the file using the following command:

    javac -cp .\profiler-characs.jar

    The command will generate a ProfilerCharacs.class file in the same directory if executed successfully.

  4. Run the profiling script of your choice using the following command:

    java -cp .\profiler-characs.jar com.alloyprofiling.characteristics.ProfilerCharacs script

Replace script with one of the following command line arguments:

  • Length:

    • length: Runs the "" script. Produces a "length.txt" file containing the number of non-blank line in each model. "length.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/Length/
  • Signatures:

    • sigs: Runs the "" script. Produces a "sigs.txt" file containing the total number of signatures in each model. "sigs.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • toplevel: Runs the "" script. Produces a "topSigs.txt" file containing the number of top-level signatures in each model. "topSigs.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • subsets: Runs the "" script. Produces a "subSigs.txt" file containing the number of subset signatures in each model. "subSigs.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • extensions: Runs the "" script. Produces a "extSigs.txt" file containing the number of subsignature extensions in each model. "topSigs.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • abstract: Runs the "" script. Produces a "absSigs.txt" file containing the number of abstract signatures in each model. "absSigs.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • scalars: Runs the "" script. Produces the "oneSigs.txt" and "enums.txt" files containing the number of one sigs and enum (extensions) in each model respectively. "oneSigs.txt" and "enums.txt" are located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
    • fields: Runs the "" script. Produces a "fields.txt" file containing the number of fields per signature in each model. "fields.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Sets/
  • Constraint Holders:

    • formulas: Runs the "" script. Produces a "formulaCount_expanded.txt.txt" file containing the number of fact blocks in each model. "formulaCount_expanded.txt.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
    • predicates: Runs the "" script. Produces the "predicateDecls.txt", "predicateUsesCmds.txt" and "predicateUsesExprs.txt" files containing the number of predicate declarations and predicate uses (in commands and formulas) in each model respectively. "predicateDecls.txt", "predicateUsesCmds.txt" and "predicateUsesExprs.txt" are located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
    • functions: Runs the "" script. Produces the "functionDecls.txt", "functionUsesCmds.txt" and "functionUsesExprs.txt" files containing the number of function declarations and function uses (in commands and formulas) in each model respectively. "functionDecls.txt", "functionUsesCmds.txt" and "functionUsesExprs.txt" are located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
    • fact: Runs the "" script. Produces a "facts.txt" file containing the number of fact blocks in each model. "facts.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
    • sigfact: Runs the "" script. Produces a "sigFacts.txt" file containing the number of signatures with fact blocks in each model. "sigFacts.txt" is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
    • runcheck: Runs the "" script. Produces the "run.txt" and "check.txt" files containing the number of run queries and check queries in each model respectively. "predicateDecls.txt" and "predicateUses" are located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/ConstraintHolders/
  • Linear:

    • lengthsetsformulas: Runs the "" script. Produces a "lengthSetsExprs.csv" file containing the length, number of sets and number of formulas in each model. "lengthSetsExprs.csv " is located in Results/CharacteristicsOfModels/MultiFile/Linear/


    Running the "" script using the sigs command line argument:

    java -cp .\profiler-characs.jar com.alloyprofiling.characteristics.ProfilerCharacs sigs

Patterns of Use

These scripts are located in src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/patternsofuse

These scripts are split into 5 sub-categories:

  • Modules
  • Integers
  • Sets
  • Formulas
  • Scopes

All these scripts can be run using the class located under src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/patternsofuse/multifile.

To run a script:

  1. Generate profiler-patterns.jar using the following gradle command if you have gradle installed on your local machine:

    gradle patternsJar

    If you don't have gradle installed, you can use gradlew:


    ./gradlew patternsJar


    .\gradlew.bat patternsJar

    The jar will be generated in build/libs.

  2. Create a new "corpus" directory (the name must be spelled exactly like this and in lowercase). Place the class, the generated profiler-patterns.jar file (located in build/libs) and the "corpus" folder in the same directory on your local machine. Add the Alloy models you would like to profile do the "corpus" folder (models can be placed in subdirectories).

  3. Open a terminal window/command prompt/PowerShell and compile the file using the following command:

    javac -cp .\profiler-patterns.jar

    The command will generate a ProfilerPatterns.class file in the same directory if executed successfully.

  4. Run the profiling script of your choice using the following command:

    java -cp .\profiler-patterns.jar com.alloyprofiling.patternsofuse.ProfilerPatterns script

Replace script with one of the following command line arguments:

  • Modules:

    • integerlibrary: Runs the "" script. Produces a "integer_mod.txt" and "integer_noMod.txt" files containing the number of models that import the integer module and use integers without importing the integer module respectively. "integer_mod.txt" and "integer_noMod.txt" are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Modules/
    • moduleuse: Runs the "" script. Produces a 12 files containing the number of open statements for each library module and the number of open statements used with user-created modules. The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Modules/
    • moduleusemodels: Runs the "" script. Produces a 12 files containing the number of models that contain open statements for each library module and the number of models containing open statements used with user-created modules. The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Modules/
  • Integers:

    • integeruse: Runs the "" script. Produces a "intConsts.txt" and "intFields.txt" files containing the number of integer constants and integer fields respectively. "intConsts.txt" and "intFields.txt" are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Integers/
    • integerordering: Runs the "" script. Produces a "intOrdering.txt" and "intNoOrdering.txt" files containing the number of integer fields that can be turned into an application of the ordering module and the number of integer fields that cannot be turned into an ordering in each model respectively. The script also produces 5 additional files containing the number of integers fields used with relational operators exclusively (intFieldRelSC.txt), the number of integer fields used with relational operators exclusively (intFieldRelNoSC.txt), the number of integer fields used with numeric operator (intFieldNum.txt)and the number of unused integer fields (intFieldUnused.txt) per model. All produced text files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Integers/
    • integerconstordering: Runs the "" script. Produces a "intConstOrdering.txt" and "intConstNoOrdering.txt" files containing the number of integer constants that can be turned into an application of the ordering module and the number of integer constants that cannot be turned into an ordering in each model respectively. The script also produces 5 additional files containing the number of integers constants used with relational operators exclusively (intConstRelSC.txt), the number of integer constants used with relational operators exclusively (intConstRelNoSC.txt) and the number of integer constants used with numeric operator (intConstNum.txt) per model. All produced text files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Integers/
    • setcardequalconst: Runs the "" script. Produces 4 .txt files containing the number of different uses of the set cardinality operator with integers and formulas (see RQ #23 in thesis for more details). The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Integers/
  • Sets:

    • sethierarchygraphs: Runs the "" script. Produces "extDepth.txt", "extWidth.txt" and "subDepth.txt" files containing the depth of the extension hierarchy tree, width of the extension hierarchy tree and depth of the subset hierarchy tree for each model in the corpus. The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Sets/
    • scg: Runs the "" script. Produces "SCG.txt" containing the SCG metric value for each model in the corpus. "SCG.txt" is located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Sets/
    • sigsasstructures: Runs the "" script. Produces "structures.txt" containing the number of signatures used as structures (records) in each model in the corpus. "structures.txt" is located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Sets/
  • Formulas:

    • formulastyles: Runs the "" script. Produces 6 .txt files containing the number of models that fall in each modeling category (see RQ# 30 in thesis for more details) as well as 3 .txt containing the number of formulas that fall in each modeling style category in each model. The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Formulas/
  • Scopes:

    • scopes: Runs the "" script. Produces 6 .txt files containing the number of commands that fall in each scope category (see RQ# 31 in thesis for more details). The result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Scopes/
    • orderingnonexact: Runs the "" script. Produces 4 .txt files containing the number of ordered sets with non-exact scopes (across all 3 non-exact categories and total). he result files are located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Scopes/
    • integerscopes: Runs the "" script. Produces "intScopes.txt" and "intScopeNums.txt" files containing the number of integers scopes in each model and the integer scope value respectively. "intScopes.txt" and "intScopeNums.txt" are located in located in Results/PatternsOfUse/MultiFile/Scopes/


    Running the "" script using the integerlibrary command line argument:

    java -cp .\profiler-patterns.jar com.alloyprofiling.patternsofuse.ProfilerPatterns integerlibrary

Analysis Complexity

These scripts are located in src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/analysiscomplexity/mutlifile

These scripts are split into 2 sub-categories:

  • Second-order Operators
  • Partial and Total Functions

All these scripts can be run using the class located under src/main/java/com/alloyprofiling/analysiscomplexity.

To run a script:

  1. Generate profiler-complexity.jar using the following gradle command if you have gradle installed on your local machine:

    gradle complexityJar

    If you don't have gradle installed, you can use gradlew:


    ./gradlew complexityJar


    .\gradlew.bat complexityJar

    The jar will be generated in build/libs.

  2. Create a new "corpus" directory (the name must be spelled exactly like this and in lowercase). Place the class, the generated profiler-complexity.jar file (located in build/libs) and the "corpus" folder in the same directory on your local machine. Add the Alloy models you would like to profile do the "corpus" folder (models can be placed in subdirectories).

  3. Open a terminal window/command prompt/PowerShell and compile the file using the following command:

    javac -cp .\profiler-complexity.jar

    The command will generate a ProfilerComplexity.class file in the same directory if executed successfully.

  4. Run the profiling script of your choice using the following command:

    java -cp .\profiler-complexity.jar com.alloyprofiling.analysiscomplexity.ProfilerComplexity script

Replace script with one of the following command line arguments:

  • Second-order Operators:
    • setcardinality: Runs the "" script. Produces "setCard.txt" file containing the number of set cardinality operators in each model. The script also prints the number of models that contain at least one set cardinality operator. "setCard.txt" is located in Results/AnalysisComplexity/MultiFile/SecondOrderOperators/
    • transitiveclosure: Runs the "" script. Produces "tcOp.txt", "reftc.txt" and "nonreftc.txt" containing the number of transitive closure operators (reflexive and non-reflexive), the number of reflexive transitive closure operators and the number of non-reflexive transitive closure operators in each model respectively. The result files are located in Results/AnalysisComplexity/MultiFile/SecondOrderOperators/
  • Partial and Total Functions:
    • usertotalfuncs: Runs the "" script. Produces the "userTotalFuncs.txt" file containing the number of utility total functions in each model. "userTotalFuncs.txt" is located in located in Results/AnalysisComplexity/MultiFile/PartialTotalFunctions/
    • overallpartial: Runs the "" script. Produces the "overallPartialFuncs.txt" file containing the total number (user-created and utility) partial functions in each model. "overallPartialFuncs.txt" is located in located in Results/AnalysisComplexity/MultiFile/PartialTotalFunctions/
    • overalltotall: Runs the "" script. Produces the "overallTotalFuncs.txt" file containing the total number (user-created and utility) total functions in each model. "overallPartialFuncs.txt" is located in located in Results/AnalysisComplexity/MultiFile/PartialTotalFunctions/


Running the "" script using the setcardinality command line argument:

java -cp .\profiler-complexity.jar com.alloyprofiling.analysiscomplexity.ProfilerComplexity setcardinality

Expert Models

We list the sources of the expert models that are part of the expert corpus used in this study. If all the models in a directory come from one source, we list the name of the directory and the source. If a directory contains multiple models that come from different sources, we list the model names and their source.

  • chord-pamela-zave:

    Zave, Pamela. “Reasoning About Identifier Spaces: How to Make Chord Correct.” IEEE transactions on software engineering 43.12 (2017): 1144–1156. Web.

  • 2scxlb3tbo5bmvmwplglqils7a5uarmx-talks: Streamlined Causal Consistency (SCC) Model (NVIDIA Copyright)

  • 3zltn65gds66b6f4q3lvbtgdkb6snmuu-alloy:

    Baugh J, Altuntas A. Formal methods and finite element analysis of hurricane storm surge: A case study in software verification. Science of computer programming. 2018;158:100-121. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2017.08.012

  • 7d25ioxqmue65lp6ntzz735gpbg4fmgq-amazon-snapshot-spec: Cahill M, Röhm U, Fekete A. Serializable isolation for snapshot databases. ACM transactions on database systems. 2009;34(4):1-42. doi:10.1145/1620585.1620587

  • 7z32luflamhdcixvt6nwznnud4oi6dbr-MSV:

    • lc-lenses.als: Macedo, Nuno & Pacheco, Hugo & Cunha, Alcino & Oliveira, José. (2013). Composing Least-change Lenses. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 57. 10.14279/tuj.eceasst.57.868.
    • ertms_1A.als: Hoang, Thai Son, Michael Butler, and Klaus Reichl. “The Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 Case Study.” Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 251–261. Web.
    • etl_scd.als, fm2cfs.als: Oliveira, Bruno, Orlando Belo, and Nuno Macedo. “Towards a Formal Validation of ETL Patterns Behaviour.” Model and Data Engineering. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016. 156–165. Web.
    • OLAPUsagePrefs.als: R. Carvalho, A. Cunha, N. Macedo and A. Santos, "Verification of system-wide safety properties of ROS applications," 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020, pp. 7249-7254, doi: 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341085.
    • farmer_pt.als, HotelLocking: Nuno Macedo Assistant Professor @ FEUP & INESC TEC
    • CD2DBS_keys: Macedo, Nuno, Tiago Guimarães, and Alcino Cunha. “Model Repair and Transformation with Echo.” Proceedings of the 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. IEEE Press, 2013. 694–697. Web.
    • CD2BDS_simple: Macedo, Nuno, and Alcino Cunha. “Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations Using Alloy.” Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 297–311. Web.
    • ElevatorSPL: Classen, Andreas et al. “Symbolic Model Checking of Software Product Lines.” Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM, 2011. 321–330. Web.
    • NHSM.als: Macedo, Nuno, and Alcino Cunha. “Least-Change Bidirectional Model Transformation with QVT-R and ATL.” Software and systems modeling 15.3 (2014): 783–810. Web.
  • lkicptlz3eklrbu7ppmltlkebwrvzhdq-zigbee-alloy-svn-to-git: ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 stack of network protocols written by Andrey Kupriyanov

  • oujlbmnutprdhddstyudppn7t35n43os-CANBus/CANBus.als:17:

  • 3zltn65gds66b6f4q3lvbtgdkb6snmuu-alloy: Baugh, John, and Alper Altuntas. “Formal Methods and Finite Element Analysis of Hurricane Storm Surge: A Case Study in Software Verification.” Science of computer programming 158 (2018): 100–121. Web.

  • 5x4l2fj5nfbq3cz2dumwdt57g3kig3rd-litmustestgen: Lustig, Daniel et al. “Automated Synthesis of Comprehensive Memory Model Litmus Test Suites.” Operating systems review 51.2 (2017): 661–675. Web.

  • gumxtrzzbkrtwi7jtwyu7eibi3fwhgmf-models:

    • algorithms/discovery: Models an Intentional Naming System (INS), a scheme for dynamic resource discovery in a dynamic environment. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Sarfraz Khurshid,
    • algorithms/distributed-hashtable: Models the chord distributed hash table lookup protocol. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
    • algorithms/gc: Model of mark and sweep garbage collection.MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
    • algorithms/mapping: Model of views in object-oriented programming. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Written by Daniel Jackson.
    • algorithms/multicasting: Taghdiri, M., & Jackson, D. (2003). A Lightweight Formal Analysis of a Multicast Key Management Scheme. FORTE.
    • algorithms/mutex:
      • dijkstra-2-process.als: E. W. Dijkstra, Cooperating sequential processes. Technological University, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 1965.Reprinted in Programming Languages, F. Genuys, Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1968, 43-112.
      • dijkstra-K-state.als: E.W.Dijkstra, "Self-Stabilizing Systems in Spite of Distributed Control", Comm. ACM, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 643-644, Nov. 1974
      • peterson.als: Model of Peterson's algorithm for mutual exclusion of n processes. The names kept similar to Murphi specification to make correspondence clear. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
    • algorithms/synchronisation: Model of a generic file synchronizer. Written by Tina Nolte.
    • ietf-rfcs: The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.
    • models/java/java-maps.als: A partial formal definition of a Map in Java. Peter Kriens.
    • models/java/java-types.als, models/java/javatypes-soundness.als: Model of the Java type system written by Daniel Jackson.
    • models/microsoft-com: Model of Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) query interface and aggregation mechanism. Written by Daniel Jackson.
    • models/railway: A simple model of a railway system written by Danile Jackson.
    • paper-examples: Jackson, Daniel. “Alloy: a Language and Tool for Exploring Software Designs.” Communications of the ACM 62.9 (2019): 66–76. Web.
    • puzzles, utilities, simple models, logic: CSAIL MIT.
  • x7t75qqe5fr6uzitot5sdu63o7drnur5-TransForm: N. Hossain, C. Trippel and M. Martonosi, "TransForm: Formally Specifying Transistency Models and Synthesizing Enhanced Litmus Tests," 2020 ACM/IEEE 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Valencia, Spain, 2020, pp. 874-887, doi: 10.1109/ISCA45697.2020.00076.