A web-based movie recommender engine, recommends movies to the user in one of two algorithms:
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- Collaborative Filtering: User-based Filtering recommendation
The dataset used is : MovieLens dataset https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/
clone the repository
install the requirements.
login to your postgres and create a database called: movies_db
so you should have the following connection: connection = postgresql://localhost:5432/movies_db
run data_preprocessing.py , so the data is read from csv files, processed and stored in movies_db
you can choose in application.py between the two algorithms:
- recommended_movies = recommend_NMF()
- recommended_movies = user_based_filtering_recommend()
run application.py and go to your browser and type: localhost/5000
the use has to input five movies and rate them:
and then the user gets his recommended movies:
- Python
- Flask
- PostgreSQL
- sqlalchemy
- Scikit-learn