An automatic generator of reaction network for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
Please cite: J. Zeng, L. Cao, J.Z.H. Zhang, C.H. Chin, T. Zhu: ReacNetGen: an Automatic Reaction Network Generator for Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations, 2018, doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv.7421534
Author: Jinzhe Zeng, Liqun Cao, John ZH Zhang, Chih-Hao Chin, Tong Zhu
- Processing of MD trajectory containing atomic coordinates or bond orders
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based noise filtering
- Isomers identifying accoarding to SMILES
- Generation of reaction network for visualization using force-directed algorithm
- Parallel computing
- Python 3.6 (Note: Python 2, 3.1-3.5, 3.7 is not supported!)
- Python packages: numpy, scipy, networkx, scikit-learn, matplotlib, hmmlearn, htmlmin, ASE, scour
- Extra packages: OpenBabel, RDKit
Get conda to install Python 3.
Use conda to install extra packages:
conda install -c openbabel openbabel
conda install -c rdkit rdkit
- Use pip to install required packages:
$ pip install numpy scipy networkx scikit-learn matplotlib hmmlearn htmlmin ase scour
- Download ReacNetGenerator and build it from source:
$ cd ReacNetGenerator/
$ python3 install
You can test whether ReacNetGenerator is running normally:
% python3 test
Prepare a LAMMPS bond file named bonds.reaxc, then run the script:
$ reacnetgenerator -i bonds.reaxc -a C H O
where C, H, and O are atomic names in the input file. Analysis report will be generated automatically.
A LAMMPS dump file is also supported. You can prepare it by running "dump 1 all custom 100 dump.reaxc id type x y z" in LAMMPS.
$ reacnetgenerator --dump -i dump.reaxc -a C H O
You can running the following script for help:
$ reacnetgenerator -h
You can open a GUI version for ReacNetGenerator by typing:
$ reacnetgeneratorgui